Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Realization of Truth

Emerson said there is One Mind common to all creation, all persons. The Mind shared by all human beings is the One Mind of God, which each person uses and exercises this Intelligence functioning at the level of the individual's comprehension of IT. We are created from this Mind, formed and animated by the same Spirit of the One Unifying and Omnipotent and Omnipresent Mind.

This Mind, which is God, permeates every atom of my being. It is the governing Principle in every organ of my body. It is the Principle of Perfection within me. This Principle is perfect, complete, whole, and limitless, but my thought circumscribes Its action and causes the very Mind of Freedom to create conditions of bondage. My thought is the activity of this Principle and my consciousness of the Divine Presence within me, like light, dissipates the darkness. It is the Mind of God manifesting Itself in you, as you.

I rejoice that at last I am awakening to this realization of Truth. The doorway to wisdom, power and truth is the doorway already within me. Somewhere within me the Mind of God reveals this truth, that I am born free and the will of God for me is one of goodness, truth, and beauty.

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