Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Now I See

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. Isaiah 55:8

I desire with all my heart to see things as they really are through the eyes of God. I desire for my thoughts and words to come directly from the Mind of God unfiltered by the confusion, fear and doubt of my own reactionary, always questioning subconscious mind. The all-seeing eye of God, by its very nature, being one and only, must forever see things as they really are. This is why Jesus said to judge not according to appearances but to judge righteously. Too often we see things with blurred vision because we are so confused and distracted mentally. To live in the true Reality of God I must view everything as I feel the Divine, Infinite, and Perfect Spirit of God must know and understand Its own creation to be. Seeing through the eyes of God leads me to right thinking and right action.

Unfortunately, man since the beginning of time has approached God through the eyes of man, not through the eyes of God. For too long, we have defined God through multiple layers of humanistic thought as it relates to our own human drama in history. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD."

Today and everyday I am seeing things and thinking things through the eyes and mind of the Divine nature of God. I am looking at things in a perfect and direct way. I am seeing through confusion to peace, through doubt to certainty, through fear to faith. Everything that occupies my attention I bring to a broader vision, a deeper insight, a more complete perspective of the Infinite Harmony that I know is back of , in, and through everything that God has made. I am keeping my eye to this one truth--what God had done is good, therefore my experiences are good and perfect. What God creates is wonderful, all-good and perfect, therefore I am surrounded by the same. I see things according to a Divine Pattern and Purpose and as I do this everything I look upon, think upon, act upon, shall become transformed and reborn. Lord, make my thoughts your thoughts and my ways your ways.

One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see. John 9:25

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Perfect Harmony

"You are what you is"
Frank Zappa

Whatever I identify myself with I tend to become. Whatever I think about gradually becomes a subconscious pattern, always tending to manifest itself in my experiences. Therefore, I try to identify my physical body with the Spiritual Reality that is God. I do not deny the physical body, but instead I affirm that every organ and action and function of my body works as it does because of the perfection of God. This inner Life, this Living Spirit of complete perfection exist at the center of everything.

Today and everyday I identify my body with the action of God and the Living Spirit that is in me. I also identify my physical body with my spiritual body, affirming that they are one and the same. I believe that every organ, every action, and every function of my body belongs to the rhythm of Life that is created and sustained by the Presence of the Living Spirit that is God. There is one circulation and one rhythm of Life flowing through everything, flowing through me right now. The physical body is a temple of this Living Spirit that animates it, sustains it, rebuilds it after the image of Its own perfection and keeps it in perfect health, in perfect harmony, in perfect wholeness.