Monday, August 31, 2009

I Accept These Truths

My life flows and is formed completely from the perfect Spirit that is the center of everything. Like an underground or invisible spring that forms the rivers and creeks, this perfect Spirit flows in me, through me, and for me, bringing such great joy and abundance, love, happiness, peace and wholeness touching every part of my being.

I am one with God. Nothing can separate me from the Divine Presence within me. With complete faith in God's Power, I know that all I am and do is an expression of the Divine expressing Itself through me.

I am one with the infinite and Perfect Spirit of God, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. I open my mind and my heart to the inflow of this Divine Presence. I know that this living Presence is in every part of my being. There is no doubt or fear in my mind that rejects in any way all that God is, right here and right now. My thoughts, my words, my life are blessed and healed this day through the Presence of Good(God) that is within me which makes me whole.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Overcoming Hate

There is but one Presence in the universe and that Presence is God. Since It permeates everything, it must be in and through me as well. This Presence manifests Itself in and through all forms, all people, all conditions. This Presence gives Life and is Life. Its nature is love and It withholds nothing from me.

Negativity may be an experience and a fact we recognize in our minds but it can never be an ultimate truth. Life(God) cannot operate against Itself. Good and evil cannot coexist. Always the negative is overcome by the positive. Good cannot fail to overcome evil. Negative experiences may seem to exist for a brief moment, but Truth exist forever. The consciousness of Good must overcome the appearance of evil. Good(God) obliterates everything unlike Itself, even as the sun dissolves the mist.

I refuse to contemplate evil as a legitimate power. I know that it will flee from me; it dissolves and disappears in the light of love. I know that hate cannot exist where love is recognized. I turn to the true Reality where evil does not and never will exist. It exist only if we permit it as a manifestation of our own mind. The manifestation of God is complete and overcomes any and all perceived evil.

Love makes the way clear before me. I am guided into an ever-widening experience of living life to Its fullest. My every thought and act this day is an expression of the goodness that flows to me from Life(God).

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Christ Mind

The healing Christ abides within me. The Christ Mind that abides within you and me is the incarnation of God in every individual. Not a person lives who does not at some time in his or her life sense this inward Presence, this vision of the Divine that presses against us. It is seeking entrance through our thoughts. We must open the door of our consciousness and permit It to enter. It is our willingness, acceptance, and recognition that give entrance to the Divine Presence. It is our faith and acknowledgement that permit Its creative power to flow through our word and our thoughts.

Today I open my consciousness to a realization of the living, eternal Christ. I know that the Christ dwells in me and I know that there is an invisible Guide, a living Presence with me at all times. With complete simplicity and directness, I recognize my Divine center. Consciously, I unify myself with this pure Spirit in which I live, move, and have my being. I am strong with the strength of the all-vitalizing power of pure Spirit of God. I am sustained by Divine Energy, which flows through me as radiant health and vitality. Every atom of my being responds to this Divine Presence. I completely surrender myself to it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ask In Faith

"Ask and ye shall receive." This is one of the most wonderful statements ever uttered. It implies that there is a Power that can and will honor your request. But it is only as you let go of the lesser that you can take hold of the greater, only as you drop confusion that you entertain peace, only as you transcend doubt, fear and disbelief that you can be lifted up to the hilltops of the inner Life. In asking, I must always identify myself with the greatness of God's Spirit in me. I permit my consciousness, through faith, to rise to a greater and broader realization that Divine Presence is always delivering Itself to me.

Through the quiet contemplation of the omni-action of God's Spirit, I learn to look quietly and calmly upon every false condition, seeing through it to the other side of the invisible Reality that molds conditions and recreates all of myaffairs after a more Divine pattern. I know that my word transmutes every energy into constructive action, producing health, harmony, happiness, and success.

I know that through the Divine Presence that is in me and for me, this Reality is the supply for my every need--physical, mental, or spiritual--and I accept this supply in deepest gratitude. I embrace and permit a consciousness of Wholeness to flow into my world of thought and action, knowing that It brings peace, harmony, joy, love and order all around me. There arises within me limitless faith in the unconquerable Presence of God, the Perfect Law, and Divine Action.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jehovah Jireh

I am bountifully supplied all my needs from Divine substance. Life fills all space and Spirit animates every form. But as an individual, even the Spirit of God cannot make me accept this gift of Life unless I choose to accept it. The gift has already been made but I must accept it.

The Spirit of God comes to self-fulfillment in everything. Through the manifestation of the power that is within me, I can project any objective experience I may legitimately desire in my life. I must be accepting of this truth, that I am living in joyous expectation of good and perfect life and that I accept the true nature of abundance.

Today I recognize the abundance of life. I animate everything in my experience today with this idea. I remember only the good and perfect. I accept only the good and perfect things and expect only good and perfect. Good and perfect elements like love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, passion for loving and passion for living are made manifest and demonstrated in my life this day and every day. I give thanks that this good and perfect life is flowing in ever increasing volume. I do not withhold this good and perfect from myself or others, but proclaim that spiritual substance is forever flowing to each and all as daily supply. Jehovah Jireh, the Lord Shall Provide.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spirit Permeates Everything

It is only as you live affirmatively that you can be happy. Knowing that there is but one Spirit in which I live, move, and have my being, I feel this Spirit not only in my consciousness but also in my daily affairs. I am united with all. I am one with the Eternal Light Itself. This Presence of God's Spirit within me blesses everyone I meet, tends to heal everything I touch, brings gladness into the life of everyone I come in contact with, therefore I receive the blessing.

Today I uncover the perfection within me. In its fullness I reveal the indwelling Presence. I look out upon the world of my affairs, knowing that the Spirit within me makes my way both immediate and easy. I know there is nothing in me that could possibly obstruct or withhold the Divine flow of Life and Love into my life. I know that God withholds nothing from me.

My word dissolves every negative thought or impulse that could throw a shadow over my perfection. Good flows through me to all. Good shines through my thoughts and actions. Good harmonizes my body so that it is revitalized, manifesting perfection in every cell, organ, and function. Good harmonizes my mind so that Love sings joyously in my heart. I am in complete unity with Good (God).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

All Is Well

The good in which I believe triumphs over every evil I have experienced. I have a silent partnership with the Infinite and this partnership can never be dissolved. I have implicit confidence in my ability, knowing that it is the nature of thought to externalize itself in my affairs. Today I turn resolutely from every sense of lack, want, and limitation, and declare that the perfect Law of God is operating in, for, and through me.

I have complete confidence in my knowledge and understanding of the Law of Good (God). I not only know what the Law is, I know how to use it. I know that I shall obtain definite results through the use of it. Knowing this, having confidence in my ability to use the Law, and using it daily for specific purposes, gradually I build up an unshakable faith, both in the Law and the possibility of demonstrating It.

Therefore, today I declare that the Law of the Lord is perfect in everything I do. Today I believe in Divine Guidance. Today I believe that "underneath are the everlasting arms." Today I rest in this divine assurance and this divine security. I know not only that all is well with my soul, my spirit, and my mind--all is well with my affairs.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Love is Harmony

The law of the Lord is perfect and the law of the Lord is love. I am made perfect in the law when I enter into conscious communion with Love. It is only through love that the law can fulfil itself in my experience, because love harmonizes everything, unifies everything. You can never make the most perfect use of the law in your life unless that use is motivated by love. This love is more than a sentiment or a feeling. It is a deep sense of the underlying unity, beauty, and majesty of all life, the goodness running through me and everything.

Today I sense the essence of this Love in everyone and everything. Everyone shall show love to me as I show love to them. My soul meets the soul of the universe in everyone. Everything has meaning and beauty. This Love is a healing power transforming everything into wholeness, healing the wounds of experience with its divine touch.

I know that this Love is the very essence, the very substance of Life in all creation. This Creative Spirit is the reason for everything, flowing through my whole being, spiritual, mental, and physical. It flows in transcendent ways into my world of thought and form, ever renewing, vitalizing, bringing joy, harmony, and blessings to everything and everyone it touches. I am blessed.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Divine Presence Within Me

The Spirit of God is an undivided and indivisible Wholeness. It fills all time with Its presence and all space with the activity of Its thought. I believe that this Presence is always with me. Nothing can be nearer to me than that which is the very essence of my being. Life flows up from within me.

I know that my search is over. I am consciously aware of the Presence of God's Spirit. I have discovered the great Reality. I am awake to the realization of this Presence. There is but one Life. Today I see It reflected in every form, backing of every countenance, moving through every act. Knowing that the Divine Presence is in everyone I meet, the same Spirit in all people. I acknowledge the good in everything.

I recognize the Life of God responding to me from every person I meet, in every event that transpires, in every circumstance in my experience. I feel the warmth and color of this Divine Presence continuing to press against me, forever welling up within me--the well spring of Eternal Being present yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Divine Bounty

Today I identify myself with the more abundant life, to think of those things that make for peace, and to dwell on the unity that underlies everything. I fully acknowledge that I live in pure Spirit, new power is born within me upon this realization. I find myself renewed by the Divine Life of God, led by Divine Intelligence, and guarded by Divine Love. I focus my inward vision on this indwelling harmony, knowing that as I contemplate its perfection I will see it manifest in everything I do.

Realizing that the Spirit within me is God, the Spirit Almighty, being fully conscious of this Divine Presence as the sustaing Principle of my life, I open my thought to Its influx; I open my consciousness to Its outpouring. I know and understand that God alone is real. I know that silently I am drawing into my experience today, and every day, an ever-increasing measure of truth and beauty, of goodness and harmony.

Everything I do, say, and think is quickened into right action, into productive action, into increased action. My invisible good already exists; my faith, drawing upon this invisible good, causes that which was unseen to become visible. God withholds nothing from me.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Faith Makes Me Whole

Faith is most definitely a mental attitude. Often out of your enthusiasm to believe in something faith becomes stronger but challenges arise when your old thought patterns rise to the surface of your mind with questions and self doubt which blocks your faith from being made manifest in your life.

Faith is more than an objective statement. Perfect faith, if there is such a thing, cannot exist while there are subjective contradictions that deny the affirmation of your thoughts and words. It is only when your intellect is no longer obstructed by negative emotional human reactions arising out of your experiences of doubt and fear that the words of your mouth can immediately bear fruit.

I believe with a deep, inward calm that my word of faith is real and powerful. I have absolute reliance upon the Law of Good(God). I believe this spiritual Law of Good will bring everything desirable into my experience this day and every day. Today I claim my Divine inheritance. I am blessed with the richness of God; I am strong with the power of God; I am guided by the wisdom of God. I am held in the goodness of God, today. God withholds nothing from me.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Guidance and Wisdom

Realizing that all action starts in, and is a result of, my conscious thought, I prepare my mind to receive the best that life has to offer. I am becoming increasing aware of the one Presence, the one Life, and the one Spirit, which is God. I repel all sense of lack or limitation from my thoughts. The Spirit of God is revealed to me and works for me through my belief and faith. All things are possible to this Spirit; therefore, everything is possible to me in such degree as I can believe, trust and accept the operation of God's Spirit in my life. I acknowledge the oneness with this power and Its unity with my life. Today I loose all thoughts of discord and fear and permit the true pattern and manifestation of the Life of God to come to the surface of my own experience.

Today I desire the Wholeness of God to flow through me in ever-widening circles of activity. Every good I have experienced or will experience is now increased. Every joy that has come into my life is now multiplied. There is a new influx of inspiration into my thought. I see more clearly than ever before that my divine birthright is freedom, joy, and eternal goodness. The Divine Presence interprets Itself to me through love and friendship, through peace and harmony. Knowing that Life gives according to my faith, I lift my mind, I elevate my faith, and I listen more intently to the song coming from the center of my being(soul).

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Claiming My Inheritance

Did Jesus not say that the Kingdom of God is at hand? The riches, power, glory, and great joy of this kingdom I claim this day. I do not rob others by entering into the fullness of this kingdom of joy, this kingdom of abundance. I recognize that all people belong to the same kingdom. I am merely claiming for myself what the Law of Good and Perfect would do for all who understand this truth.

There is no law of human heredity imposed upon me. Evil has no history. Limitation has no past or future. All that might be opposed to good has no future. My eternal life is now and forever filled with the Presence of Perfect Life(God). I have been, and forever will remain, a complete and perfect expression of the Eternal Mind, which is God.

Today I enter into the limitless variations of self-expression that the Divine Spirit of God projects into my experience. Knowing that all experience is a play of Life upon Itself, the coming of love into self-expression, the coming forth of good and perfect joy of its own being. I begin this day living with joyful anticipation, with ethusiasm. Today I enter into my Divine inheritance, shaking my thought clear from the belief that external conditions are imposed upon me. I declare this day the freedom of my Divine nature.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Word Accomplishes

I am either attracting or repelling according to my mental attitude. I am either identifying myself with lack or with abundance, with love and friendship or with indifference. The Law of Attraction and Repulsion works automatically but our mind directs it. It is like the Law of Reflection, the reflection corresponds to the image held before a mirror. My life is like the mirror, reflecting what my mind places in front of it.

How careful, then, should we be to guard our thoughts, not only seeing to it that we keep away from thoughts of doubt and fear, lack or limitation but accepting only the good and perfect Life that is ours for the asking. I must consciously repel every thought that denies that good.

I know that my word penetrates any unbelief in my mind, casts out all fear, removes doubt, clears away obstacles, permitting only that which is enduring, perfect, and true to be made manifest, demonstrated and realized. I have complete faith(like a child) that all the statements I make will be carried out as I have believed. I do everything with a sense of reliance upon the Law of Good and Perfect(God); therefore, I know that my word shall not return unto me void. I fully expect complete and perfect results from it. My words(thoughts) accomplish what I intend.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I Am Spirit

I believe my body is a temple of the living Spirit of God. It is spiritual substance, therefore my life is spiritual. God is ever present and exist at the very center of my thought. This Presence within me has the power to make all things new.

The Perfect Life of God is in me and pours through every fiber of my being. As the sun dissolves the mist, so my acceptance of Life dissolves all pain and discord. I am free because the Spirit of Life in me is perfect. It remolds and re-creates my body after the likeness of the Divine pattern of body that exists in the Mind of God. Even now as I type these words this living Spirit is flowing through me.

I open wide the doorway of my consciousness to permit my physical body to receive the living Spirit in every action, function, cell, and organ. I know that my whole being manifests the life, love, peace, harmony, strength, and joy of God's Spirit that dwells within me and is incarnated in me. I open my conscious mind to the realization that all the Power and Presence there is clothes me in Its eternal embrace; this Spirit forever imparts Its Life to me. I know that the Spirit within me is my strength and power and I am set free from any worries.