Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Word Accomplishes

I am either attracting or repelling according to my mental attitude. I am either identifying myself with lack or with abundance, with love and friendship or with indifference. The Law of Attraction and Repulsion works automatically but our mind directs it. It is like the Law of Reflection, the reflection corresponds to the image held before a mirror. My life is like the mirror, reflecting what my mind places in front of it.

How careful, then, should we be to guard our thoughts, not only seeing to it that we keep away from thoughts of doubt and fear, lack or limitation but accepting only the good and perfect Life that is ours for the asking. I must consciously repel every thought that denies that good.

I know that my word penetrates any unbelief in my mind, casts out all fear, removes doubt, clears away obstacles, permitting only that which is enduring, perfect, and true to be made manifest, demonstrated and realized. I have complete faith(like a child) that all the statements I make will be carried out as I have believed. I do everything with a sense of reliance upon the Law of Good and Perfect(God); therefore, I know that my word shall not return unto me void. I fully expect complete and perfect results from it. My words(thoughts) accomplish what I intend.

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