Monday, August 17, 2009

I Am Spirit

I believe my body is a temple of the living Spirit of God. It is spiritual substance, therefore my life is spiritual. God is ever present and exist at the very center of my thought. This Presence within me has the power to make all things new.

The Perfect Life of God is in me and pours through every fiber of my being. As the sun dissolves the mist, so my acceptance of Life dissolves all pain and discord. I am free because the Spirit of Life in me is perfect. It remolds and re-creates my body after the likeness of the Divine pattern of body that exists in the Mind of God. Even now as I type these words this living Spirit is flowing through me.

I open wide the doorway of my consciousness to permit my physical body to receive the living Spirit in every action, function, cell, and organ. I know that my whole being manifests the life, love, peace, harmony, strength, and joy of God's Spirit that dwells within me and is incarnated in me. I open my conscious mind to the realization that all the Power and Presence there is clothes me in Its eternal embrace; this Spirit forever imparts Its Life to me. I know that the Spirit within me is my strength and power and I am set free from any worries.

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