Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Will Fear No Evil

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever. --Psalm 23

Today my heart is without fear, for I have implicit confidence in the All-Good and Perfect nature and character of God. Fear is the only thing to be afraid. I know that evil is transitory, but good is permanent. I know that right finally dissolves everything opposed to it. The power of the Spirit of God is supreme over any antagonist. Therefore, I cherish no fear. When I refuse to empower fear or hate in my reality, I come to understand the truth regarding the unity of life.

I realize that fear is not Godlike, since it contradicts the Divine Presence, repudiates limitless Love, and denies infinite Good. Therefore, I know that fear is a lie, a fraud. It is neither person, place, nor thing; it is merely an imposter that I have believed in until now. I have entertained it so long that it seems as if it really were something, and it attempts to make me believe that two and two are five, that the earth is flat, and that God is limited.

Today I repudiate all fear. I renounce and reject the belief in evil. I accept the Good and Perfect nature of God as supreme, positive, absolute, and limitless. With joy and passion I will begin each day, and without fear, doubt or regret I remember the events of yesterday, and with confidence I look forward to tomorrow with great expectancy knowing that perfect peace, love, joy, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity is already being made manifest in me and in everyone and everything around me. Today and everyday, my heart is free from fear.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Perfect God

The all-intelligent, creative Presence of God, the One Spirit, is the source of all that I am. I believe in the ability and the willingness of this great Source to sustain its own I am also the center through which the Intelligence and the Power of the universe find expression. This Infinite Mind operating through me, now brings to me the manifestation of harmony, order, and the highest good. All that is necessary to my happiness and well-being now comes into my experience. I exist in the Reality of the Life of God, therefore, the perfect peace of God is mine. In this Reality there can be neither limitation nor lack, for nothing ever restricts the One Perfect Activity that is God. I am free from any sense of bondage or guilt because God, my Source and Center transcends these things. I embrace the Presence of God as the center of everything and my life is made All-Good and Perfect. I know only love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, and passion for living. I stand revealed as the perfect child of the Perfect God.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Identifying With Spirit

I recognize my identity with God's Spirit. My knowledge that the great I Am is ever available gives me an increasing capacity to draw upon God's strength and perfection. Through the quiet contemplation of the omnipotent action of the Spirit of God, I learn to look quietly and calmly upon every false condition, able to see through it to the other side of the invisible Reality that molds all my conditions and re-creates all of my affairs after a more Divine pattern. With a penetrating spiritual vision I can dissipate the obstruction, remove the obstacle, dissolve the wrong condition. When I am still I can watch the sure salvation of the Law.

Today I claim health instead of sickness, wealth instead of poverty, happiness instead of misery. Every thought of fear or limitation is removed from my consciousness. I know that my words and thoughts transmutes every energy in the world into constructive action, producing good health, harmony, happiness, joy, love, peace and success. I know that there is a Presence at the center of my being that is absolutely certain of Itself and Perfect in every way. This knowledge gives me complete assurance that "all is well with my soul."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Animated by Divine Perfection

My whole existence is animated by the Divine Perfection of God. Chinese sages tell us that Tao, meaning Spirit, produces everything, norurishes everything, and maintains everything. It spreads Itself over everything and It flows through everything and is in all things. Indeed, being all that is, there can be nothing outside It. This mysterious Presence pervades the Universe, and this Presence, welling up in our consciousness, evermore proclaims Itself as the source, the root, the beginning and end of all things. This is what I call God.

I know that as there is One Mind and that Mind is God and that Mind is my mind(shared). There is One Body, that Body is spiritual and that Body is my body. So, every organ, every function, every action and reaction of my body is animated in harmony with the Divine Creative Spirit(God). I have both "the mind of Christ" and the Body of God. I could not ask for more and greater could not be given to me. Everyday I seek to realize the manifestation of the One Mind and the One Body that I live in, which gives me Divine harmony and perfect peace, perfect joy, perfect love and happiness. Every organ of my body moves in accord with perfect harmony and this Divine Presence circulates through me automatically, spontaneously, and perfectly. Every atom of my being is animated by this Divine Perfection.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Word Power

So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

I believe that thought is a definite, dynamic, creative, consciously directed and intelligent source of energy that directly interacts with the activity of the Spirit of God. I know that a thought of Truth will definitely neutralize a negative argument. I believe that a Power greater than myself consciously acts with creative intelligence upon my words and thoughts.

I seek to believe with absolute conviction that my word will not return unto me void, and I do this when I realize that spiritual laws execute themselves just as do other laws of nature. I know that my word penetrates every unbelief in my mind, casts out all fear and anxiety, removes all doubt, clears away every obstacle, and permits that which is enduring, all-good and perfect, and true to be perceived by my mind and made manifest in my life reality.

I provide faith, acceptance, and a joyous expectancy that all the statements I make in my affirmative prayers are not only true, but that they will be carried out as I have spoken. As I speak these words into the Mind of God, great power is put in to action, the universe moves in the direction of my desires being made manifest. As my word is done with this sense of reliance upon the Law of Good(God), I know that "my word will not return unto me void," but " shall accomplish that whereunto it is sent."