Thursday, June 10, 2010

Animated by Divine Perfection

My whole existence is animated by the Divine Perfection of God. Chinese sages tell us that Tao, meaning Spirit, produces everything, norurishes everything, and maintains everything. It spreads Itself over everything and It flows through everything and is in all things. Indeed, being all that is, there can be nothing outside It. This mysterious Presence pervades the Universe, and this Presence, welling up in our consciousness, evermore proclaims Itself as the source, the root, the beginning and end of all things. This is what I call God.

I know that as there is One Mind and that Mind is God and that Mind is my mind(shared). There is One Body, that Body is spiritual and that Body is my body. So, every organ, every function, every action and reaction of my body is animated in harmony with the Divine Creative Spirit(God). I have both "the mind of Christ" and the Body of God. I could not ask for more and greater could not be given to me. Everyday I seek to realize the manifestation of the One Mind and the One Body that I live in, which gives me Divine harmony and perfect peace, perfect joy, perfect love and happiness. Every organ of my body moves in accord with perfect harmony and this Divine Presence circulates through me automatically, spontaneously, and perfectly. Every atom of my being is animated by this Divine Perfection.

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