Friday, September 4, 2009

I Open The Door

Behold, I stand at the door and knock.--Revelation 3:20

The healing Christ comes into the mind of all who receive Him. This Christ is the incarnation of God in the individual soul. Spirit has imparted Itself to all persons. This divine incarnation, this living Presence at the center of our being is Christ, the soul of every living person.

I do not will this Presence into existence, nor do I by declaration, affirmation, or any other action. I do not court it by false humility nor engage Its attention merely by admiration or praise. This Presence, this Power, is already here. It is my willingness, my acceptance, and my recognition that gives entrance to the Divine Presence. It is faith and acknowledgement that permit Its creative power to flow through my words. Therefore, "I lift up mine eyes unto the hills(the Divine Presence within me) from whence cometh my strength."

Today and everyday I will look long and earnestly, sincerely and simply upon every object and every person until this Presence is revealed. I will wait at the doorway with great expectations until my acceptance grants my mind the privilege of "beholding God's face forevermore." Today I expect to see God's shining Presence revealed. Today the most High is revealed in my life.

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