Sunday, September 20, 2009

Divine Mind Pervades Everything

No one knows exactly what the mind is, but we certainly know that it is something within us that enables us to be conscious and aware. We are told to let the Mind be in us that was in Christ. What can this mean other than that each should recognize the Divine Incarnation in himself? How can the Mind of Christ exist separate of God. If the Mind be in us that was in Christ, then would it not make sense that God is also in us, Divine Incarnation.

It was this realization of His union with good, with life, with God, that endowed Jesus with his miraculous power. There is one very important question that every Christian or any searcher of truth should ask themself concerning what to believe about the man called Jesus. Which is more important, who you say Jesus is; or the significance of what Jesus did? Many will argue both, I believe, however, the latter is the most important truth to ponder.

I also believe that there is just One Mind, which all people use. Each one is an individual in It. It is individualized in and through each. The Mind of God in man is Christ. This Mind is not a far away presence, nor is It some future event toward which we travel. It is something that is already and forever established, that needs but to be recognized to spring forth into manifestation in our experience. My brother, Michael, likes to refer to this event as an awakening of the soul which has been asleep because of sin. This recognition can come to anyone at any time. We need not move away from ourselves to discover ourselves. What we do is awaken our sleeping soul and it reveals that which is already alive at the center of our being

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