Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fullness of Life

God is not afraid of anything, therefore I fear nothing. Fear has no place in my life. The Divine Mind of God has no enemies. This Spirit knows no opposites or opposition. As I consciously draw close to embrace this Presence which is at the center of my being, I feel the radiation of Its warmth and color, Its splendid beauty!

I enter into that faith made perfect through love and confidence, that assurance made complete by the abandonment of myself to the Divine Life of God, acknowleging good in all my ways, desiring only Good and Perfect things in my life and in others. I refuse to accept evil as a part of the Divine Kingdom. I rest today in calm assurance that I have nothing to fear.

Peace, beauty, poise, and power belong to this kingdom where I dwell. I gladly acknowlege and enthusiastically accept gifts of joy, peace, happiness and love from upon High, knowing that the gifts are not to me alone but is the gift of Life to all that lives. Today knowing that I am set free by this Truth and knowing that everything is love(God's true nature), I gladly give myself to life, to the joy of living. This day I affirm that all thoughts I may have ever held regarding fear, uncertainty, doubt, lack or limitation are total dispelled and cleansed from my conscious and subconsious thoughts. My true reality is made manifest out of the Life of God where only love, joy, peace, happiness, perfect health, wealth, prosperity, abundance, and goodness exist.

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