Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Always Glad

I proclaim today a day of great joy, gladness and gratitude. I know that all my needs, physical, emotional, and mental are cared for by an infinite Source, which is God. Today I know that the healing Presence of Life is within me, forever restoring my mind and body.

Body and mind are One in Spirit. Physical health is a state of wholeness in mind, as well as in body. My mind and body is an offspring of pure Spirit and It is well with my soul. God gives freely to all creation including wellness and wholeness. God's Life heals me and makes me whole. God withholds nothing from me.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

This made me think about when Grandma would wake us up from naps clapping and singing,

"This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it, and be glad in it..."