Your window
And choose the view
You want to see
But as long as there are
Others held captive
Do not consider
Yourself free. —Embrace (lyrics)
We all wish to be free, but at the same time we should realize that liberty is not license. To say that we are free with the freedom of God does not mean that we are free to do that which contradicts the Divine nature. We are free only in that freedom that God is—the freedom to be alive, to enjoy living, to enter into the activities of everyday living with enthusiasm and interest. We are free to love and to be loved. We are free to give full and complete expression to every capacity we possess, provided this freedom harms no one and hurts no thing. This is freedom enough because if we were free to do that which is destructive we should ultimately destroy ourselves. And, in so doing, we would not only deny but would defame the true nature of Divinity Itself.
Affirmation: I am free with the freedom of God. Today I manifest this freedom in joy. I think of it with deep gratitude to the Giver of all life and with a deep inward sense of my union with the Whole. In my own will and imagination I see myself free, complete, and perfect. I feel back to the center of my being, which is God, and affirm that God’s freedom is my freedom. And I include my own physical body in this freedom as well as every activity in which I am engaged. I invite new experiences, knowing that they shall be created for me by the same Power that makes everything exist. I enter into this freedom with complete abandonment, and the feeling that all things are working out to my good, and with the deep and sincere desire to live so that my freedom will be imparted to others, that we all may feel that we are in partnership with the Infinite.
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