Joy has come to live with me. How can I be sad? I do so love Thy presence, which is joy within me.—Ernest Holmes
Be like the bird
That, pausing in her flight
Awhile on boughs too slight,
Feels them give way
Beneath her and yet sings,
Knowing that she hath wings.—Victor Hugo
The picture above is actually a flower called a parrot flower. The beauty of this creation in nature should give us a tiny glimpse into the Mind of God and the beauty that is made manifest in our lives as in all of nature by God's Spirit. I realize that I am formed in the spiritual image and likeness of God and that it is the desire of god to be manifested and expressed through me always. I know, too, that my spiritual body is now perfect, capable of perfect expression at all times—perfect expression of love, peace, poise, confidence, assurance, and power.
Now that I realize my true nature, every negative thought has left me. I have no fear, no dread, no feeling of inferiority, no feeling of tension. Every cell, tissue, organ, and function in my body is in complete harmony. Only good can be manifested through me.
Affirmation: I love everyone and know that everyone loves me and is interested in me and in my work I am doing. I go about my work today with ease and relaxation. I work quietly, without strain. My nerves are strong, quick, steady, with abundant reserve power for any emergency. All the Power of God is surging about me and through me in perfect peace and harmony. Perfect assurance is mine. I believe that I am one with God and I ask that in my life this day that only Good and Perfect things be made manifest: love, joy, peace, harmony, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, creativity, wisdom, understanding, money as I need it, generosity, kindness, passion. I receive these Good and Perfect things into my life with gratitude.
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