Today I relax in the Peace of God. We often wonder if peace really exists anywhere. In a world distraught with so much confusion, chaos and sense of loss, we deeply need an inner, abiding sense of calm and tranquility. Peace of mind really is what the world is searching after because without it we have only a sense of insecurity and loneliness. Without peace, deep and abiding, there can be no happiness or contentment, no sense of security, no confidence. And yet Jesus said, “My peace I give unto you.”
When we truly embrace the Presence of God in our lives we are not met with confusion or doubt or loss, we stand before an unruffled body of water reflecting the Divine images of peace and perfection.
Affirmation: Today I enter into the Peace of God. My mind is stilled from all confusion, and I feel a deep and abiding inward poise. I keep my mind stayed on this Divine inner Presence, and let every thought of discord slip away. I am one with God forevermore, there is no separation, there is no apartness. Here and now, within me, there is a voice that says: Peace. Be still and know that I am God!
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