We do not all have the same gifts because no two any things are ever alike. Nature never reproduces anything identically. There is much diversity in life and we are all engaged in different types and sorts of activities that express the unique individualization that each one of us is. But it is the same God, the same Spirit, the same Power and Energy working in and through all of us. This is one of the most terrific concepts we could entertain, that out of all the variations of life, the infinite variety of color and form and people—the rosebud, the elephant, the snow-capped mountain, the tiny mouse in the field—One Power is working, One Life is being expressed, One Energy is animating, One Presence flowing through, and One Law controlling. The One Mind is working in and through us now, not as big or little, or hard or easy, but merely as spontaneous self-expression. Back of our smallest act is the strength of the universe. Behind all our thoughts is Infinite Mind of God. Diffused through every human activity is the Divine Presence of God creating.
Affirmation: Today I am realizing that all my thoughts are formulated in the Divine Mind; all of my actions are sustained by the Infinite Energy of God; all the Power there is and all the Presence there is is right where I am. I embrace this Presence, this Power and Energy. I sense its feeling and imagination in my own thinking. I see it operating through all my actions. I surrender this day myself completely to that One Power, that One All-knowing Mind, that One Presence, which is beauty and love and peace and joy.
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