Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Soul At Peace

Today and everyday when a problem confronts me, I take it into the silence of my consciousness and instead of thinking of the problem, I think of the answer. The Divine Presence of God guides me, guards me, and protects me. It counsels me with wisdom. It sustains and upholds me in everything I do. I believe and affirm the Universal Law that comes from the Mind of God and by my faith and belief causes the Law to bring into my experience those things that I may not understand but I accept.

I know that today I am free and unhindered. I feel the operation of Divine Love and Universal Law in my affairs. I know that everything I do today is governed by Love and controlled through this Law. I am most conscious that I am one with all people. In true Reality, there is no race or gender, only Spirit.

In complete reliance upon this Divine Spirit and with absolute faith in the goodness of God, I lay aside everything within me that contradicts the Divine and know that today peace, love, joy, good health, fulfillment, wealth and prosperity are mine. Today my soul is at peace, immortal and rejoicing in the eternal movement of Mind, of Spirit, and of God in all my affairs.

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