I ask, certain that I shall receive. In fact Jesus said to "Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."--Matthew 7:7
"Ask, and it shall be given unto you" is one of the greatest promises of the ages and has within it the greatest possibility ever experienced by the mind of man. Surely this implies that there is a power that can and will honor our request. God withholds nothing with us.
Whatever we ask for in the name of our Reality, the reality of our existence in the Life and Mind of God, we shall most certainly receive. However, the request must be consistent with the true nature of God which is Love, Beauty, Truth and Goodness. What is this that we seek other than our true union with God? Where is the door that must be opened other than in our own consciousness? It is the door of acceptance, faith, and confidence. How can we receive that which the mind refuses to entertain?
Affirmation: I believe and I accept with thanksgiving. Therefore, today I ask and know that I shall receive. I seek and know that I shall find. Today I knock and know that it shall be opened unto me. I receive the gift of Life in all its fullness.
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