Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mind of Christ

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 2:5

This scriptural passage means that we should recognize the Divine Incarnation, universal in essence, but individualized in personal experience. The spiritual genius of Jesus enabled him to see that each is a unique representation, an individualized expression of One Mind. The Mind of God in us is the Mind of Christ. At the center of every man's being the Eternal Christ waits, knocking at the door of his intellect for admission. This is not a faraway Presence, nor a future advent. The consciousness that walked over the troubled waters of human experience, the inner calm that stilled the tempest, is accessible to everyone.

I know that the Christ in me is always triumphant. I know that Christ in me is one with God; there is no separation, no isolation, no aloneness, no fear or doubt, no lack or limitation.

Today I expect and receive great experiences that are Good and Perfect. Today I expect Good and Perfect love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, wisdom, guidance and clear thinking.

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