Monday, March 16, 2009

What Is My Future?

We are not at home in this universe. We are afraid of it--afraid to live. If the time ever comes to you and to me when we see God in everything and in everybody, we will never be alone or feel lonely ever again. Every experience will more vividly reveal God's warmth, color, beauty and responsiveness in the Reality in which we live. The entire nature of God is given to us. It is a gift already received but we have to accept this Truth.

We are on the verge of a vast possibility. Do you feel it? The individual or nation without a vision must perish until the vision is reborn. What is my vision in the midst of confusion, doubt, and uncertainty? People have lossed confidence in the economy, in government, in the stock market. We will either fall before the confusion and be destroyed, or something transcendent within us is going to rise and look to a certain future, to an eternal Reality, to a God-Principle--to an Infinite Presence, responding to us according to our belief, our faith, our acceptance of what can be.

There is no individual good. Good belongs to everyone. Good fulfills itself only as it multiplys itself; therefore, there is no good that belongs to just you and to me alone, no final peace to us only as individuals. The watchword is not exclusion but inclusion, and the more good we release, the more good we experience. This is the Law(of God)(Law of Attraction).

I am part of one trememdous Whole whose nature is God. It is this Divine Nature, this union, that I consciously walk and talk with the Infinite, until it becomes dynamic and real to me. I am thankful for every opportunity to let God's Life be expressed through me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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