The Universe is a spiritual system of complete consciousness, entire wholeness, the sum total of which is present everywhere. We are both scientifically and inspirationally, spiritually and philosophically in accord with the great intuitions, the spiritual revelations of all ages, that have always announced that God is over all, in all, through all, and is all. There is not God and something else. There is only God, and God is in everything, constituting the only Reality to anything that is, proclaiming Itself as all things; therefore, god knows things only as Itself.
There is an Intelligence in everything, from the smallest atom to whatever we think of as big, and that Intelligence must of necessity respond to us intelligently. Then, automatically, we will have to assume that God can only respond to us at the level of our belief in, knowledge of, feeling about, acceptance and embodiment of, and identification with God. In other words, God is all there is, but to each of us individually, the God that is all there is must be the God believed in.
As a side note, I have been struggling with how I should view the decision by President Obama to reverse the earlier executive decisions restricting the use of embryonic stem cells in Federally funded research. The concept of killing one human being to possibly save the life of another human being is very disturbing to me yet this decision was met by cheers and standing ovation by many, who I am sure, is focusing on the desired result and not the means and therefore they feel justified. There is always cause and effect in the Law(of God)that will be made manifest in our lives resulting from our actions and decisions, good or bad.
I make this comment to make this point: In this life we should always make decisions that do not go against the true nature of God. Since there is but One Life present everywhere, I must be in that Life and of it, and It must flow through me. It must be what I am; therefore, I accept this Omnipresence as something real, definite, immediate. At the very center of my own being I embrace the Divine Presence of God's Spirit. At the center of my own consciousness I recognize a transcendent Principle forever animating, sustaining, vitalizing, re-creating, guiding, directing, inspiring. There is within me that which knows what to do and impels me to act in accord with its Perfect Law and Order and its complete Peace. This I accept, and even as I affirm it I know that this Omnipresence is alive and awake and aware within me and directing me in right thinking regarding stem cell research or any other modern day moral issue society faces.
And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest.--Genesis 28:15
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