Tuesday, March 2, 2010

God is One

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord."

This is a statement of the unity of all life. Einstein believed in one physical law that comprehends, coordinates, and synthesizes all physical laws. This, from the greatest mathematician of modern times, philosophically and spiritually viewed, is no different from saying that there must be one Mind, one Power, one Spirit and one true Reality in the universe flowing in and through all things and governing all things. This is what I mean when I say that God is all there is, period.

Science, logic, mathematics, reason, inspiration and revelation are all on the side of the one who boldly proclaims the Allness of God. There is no opposite and good cannot be denied.

Today I affirm the supremacy of Good(God) and everything within me responds to this thought, understands Its meaning, and announces Its presence. This Power flows through me into everything I do and think, automatically making everything whole. There is a Transcendance coordinating, unifying, causing all the experience of my life to blend into Its unity, into Its oneness, and proclaiming the power of Its might. As a child accepts life without question and love without argument and action without anxiety, so do I spontaneously accept the operation of this Power as the Divine Influence and Controling Force of everything I do, The Divine Provider of all my needs, and the Divine Presence diffused through all my thinking.

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