The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace.--Galatians 5:22
We should look across the new horizon of the greater possibility that resides within each of us and meet the living God and feel the embrace of God's Presence and come at last to know the infallibility of God's Power. From out of the great Mind that is God the way of life is made perfect and straight and immediate. It is made happy and whole and prosperous.
God's Love always embraces us, God's Wisdom is always within us, and God's Joy is ours to share.
We should look across the new horizon of the greater possibility that resides within each of us and meet the living God and feel the embrace of God's Presence and come at last to know the infallibility of God's Power. From out of the great Mind that is God the way of life is made perfect and straight and immediate. It is made happy and whole and prosperous.
God's Love always embraces us, God's Wisdom is always within us, and God's Joy is ours to share.
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