Monday, January 4, 2010


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.--Psalm 23:4

Unhappy is he who mistakes the branch for the tree, the shadow for the substance.--The Talmud

I know that every apparent death is a resurrection, therefore, today I gladly die to everything that is unlike the true natural of God. This is the only Reality I seek. The Talmud says that unhappy conditions arise when we mistake shadow for substance. Even the valley of the shadow of death causes no fear when we arrive at the consciousness of the Psalmist who, from the exaltation of his Divine deliverance, proclaimed, "thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." The rod and the staff of Truth is the realization of the substantiality and the permanence of that which cannot change.

"Behold, I make all things new." The revitalizing, regenerative power of God's Spirit flows from the consciousness of wholeness into our physical organism and into every objective act, when we give the realization of the Divine Presence free passage through our thought. Emerson tells us that in these moments we are conscious that we as isolated beings are nothing, but that the Light(Life) is all there is. Thus, he admonishes us to get our "bloated nothingness" out of the way of the Divine flow of Life. In this Reality(the Life of God) we must strive for and embrace nonresistance and nonburden(no worry).

I know that in my own physical death and in every death is a resurrection. Jesus demonstrated this even though the world, for the most part, misunderstood the significance of the event. Today, I gladly die to everything that is unlike the good, the love, the peace, the joy, the perfect true nature of God. Jesus said, "Be ye perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect." Today my prayer is to be joyfully resurrected into that which is beautiful, enduring and true. I pass from less to more, from isolation into inclusion, from separation into oneness.

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