Saturday, December 27, 2008

The God Reflection

After long meditation and much deep reflection, having passed through the confusion of human experience, Job finally arrived at the conclusion that the Spirit of God was within him and that the breath of God was his life. We all have traveled this same pathway of experience, the journey of the soul to "the heights above," and always there has been a deep inquiry in our minds--What is it all about? Does life make sense? What is my purpose in life? What is the meaning of birth, human experience, and the final transition, which we call death, from this present Reality? Somewhere along the line we too must exclaim with Job, "The spirit of God hath made me and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life." Nothing can be nearer to us than that which is the very essence of our own being, and that is God. Our external search for meaning and purpose culminates in the greatest of all possible discoveries--Our Reality is at the center of our own being; life is from within out.

I feel that my search is over when I embrace this Truth. Jesus said " shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) I feel that I am not evolving into it, I am merely awakening to the realization of what it means. There is but one Life. This Life I am living. Today I speak this Reality into every experience I have. Today I see God reflected in every form, back of every countenance, moving in every act. I am God's Spirit made manifest this day.

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