Friday, April 9, 2010

The Mind of God

The Mind of God is the only Mind there is and we all(creation) use this Mind. Our human reaction to this Mind becomes what we mistakenly believe to be our reality. We do not have a separate mind, it is merely a reaction to the One Mind and to the use we have made of it. This thought or reaction is often referred to as our unconscious or the subconscious. Remember, the brain is not our mind, simply another complex organ vital to the function of our body, our form. Each person creates an individual way; we are individualizations in this One Mind and no two of us are exactly alike. But we all are immersed in the collective thought of the whole human race. We are one. Carl Jung has called this the collective unconscious.

Just as we have an individual subconscious reaction to life, we also have a collective subconscious reaction to life. And just as we are more or less automatically influenced and perhaps too much controlled by our individual subconscious reactions, we also are influenced by the subconscious reaction of the ages, of history and tradition. Tradition, history, accepted behavior(as normal) largely governs us as individuals and collectively.

But I shall never forget that back of all this is the Divine Mind(God Intelligence) in which there is no bondage, no fear, and no evil. It is toward this greater center within us all that we must travel if we wish to become emancipated from the unconscious reactions of our own being.

Today I affirm freedom from the limitation of my own thought. I am no longer hypnotized by the mind of history and my reaction to it. The Divine Intelligence(God) within me is transcendent of all my past and present experience. I am free in the Life of God as I create and manifest from the center of God's own perfection in me. This radiant and glorious center in me is making everything new in my life and in the lives of those around me.

His compassions fail not. They are new every morning.--Lamentations 3:22-23

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