Sunday, April 25, 2010

All Things Related

All things in nature are related. You only have to contemplate the blade of grass, the growing leaf, the developing child or the solar system to see that they were created, shaped and arranged to prosper and to exist in perfect harmony. The Creative Spirit of God knows only harmony,order and love. Looking at the world through our subconscious or unconscious eye(mind) it may appear to be in chaos and things happening randomly but there is perfect harmony and order to the disorder we think we see.

We see God living through all creation and God's Spirit and image is the essence of everything. God's perfect nature is all good and perfect and does not deny It's nature to each of us born into and of this Life. God's nature is Love and withholds nothing from us.

In this Life there is no scarcity of good. My blessings are abundant, and by sharing them I add unto myself. With great joy, love, peace and gratitude, I now understand the true meaning of happiness. I do not believe that human sacrifice or pain is required of anyone before a person can come to this Truth. It is not about you or me, or planet earth and the solar system. It is all about God's expressive and creative nature living, thriving, and animating in us and through us.

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