But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.--Jesus Christ (Matthew 22)
In his teaching on immortality, Jesus explained that God knows nothing about death. If the principle of that which lives is Life, then it cannot know death. To suppose that Life knows death is to deny the Principle of Life(God).
"God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." Which means that all live unto him. Our experience of death is but the laying off of an old garment and the donning of a new one. The resurrected body is already formed within us and will be carried along when we pass from this place. God knows no decay or death, only Life.
Paul called death the last enemy to be destroyed. He believed death could be done away with. What is death but a greater claim which the soul makes upon the deathless principle of life? Physical death is occasioned by the inability of the soul to no longer function through this body, this form. It is a release which comes when the body is no longer a fit instrument for the functioning and expressive Spirit of God within us. The soul will never be limited and it instinctively knows its own freedom.
When both my parents died I grieved and I miss them even today. It is natural that we grieve, and it shouldn't be any other way, because the most beautiful thing in life is the personal love and friendship of the people we hold near in this life. In fact, this is the most Godlike attribute and expression of our human experience.
When I die from this body and place, my loved ones may grieve my absence for a short while but I hope that they will understand and quickly realize that I have passed on to a greater recognition of Life, Truth, and Beauty.
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