Monday, March 22, 2010


From the Mind of God comes Intelligence that is in everything. From the smallest atom to whatever we think of as big, this Intelligence must of necessity respond to us on many levels. However, It can only respond to us at the level of our belief in, knowledge of, feeling about, acceptance and embodiment of, and identification with It. In other words, God is all there is, but to each of us individually, the God that is all there is must be the only Reality we believe in and accept.

There is but One Life present everywhere and that Life is God. I am in that Life, and of it, and It flows through me. I accept the Omnipresence of this Life as something real, definite, immediate. At the very center of my own being I realize this Divine Presence. At the center of my own consciousness I recognize a transcendent Principle forever animating, sustaining, vitalizing, re-creating, guiding, directing, inspiring. There is something within me that which knows what to do and impels me to act in accord with its perfect Law and Order and its complete Peace. I accept this Omnipresence as being alive and awake and aware within me.

And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest.--Genesis 18:15

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