Thursday, March 4, 2010


When I pray in the affirmative there is always an affirmation of acceptance that the result I desire is achieved. It is done. This is not just willing something, concentrating, visualizing, coercing, wishing or compelling something to happen. It is, rather, a quiet inward acceptance, an affirmation of my conviction, based on my deeply held belief that there is spiritual Perfection at the center of all things in the universe and that there is a fundamental Good governing all things.

I believe there is One Life, that Life is God, that Life is mine also. Consciously, I identify my self with It, I affirm the One Presence and the One Power operating in, around, and through me. Anything that denies the supremacy of Good(God) is itself but a mistake in judgement or simply an illusion of my mind. As I come to open up my thought to a greater acknowledgement and acceptance of the Divinity that resides within me, I find myself on the pathway to achieving the purpose for which I was created: to express the nature of God, the Source of my being.

Today I accept my own affirmations. There is nothing in me that can contradict them. I have a deep inward sense, feeling, conviction, and complete faith that there is a Power of Good governing everything; that It is governing completely, with absolute certainty, without deviation, without exception and that there is nothing to oppose It, to change It, to limit or circumscribe Its action. I abandon myself to this faith, live in Its atmosphere, and accept Its conclusion.

I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.--Genesis 17:1

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