Thursday, December 17, 2009

Law of Liberty

But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.--James 1:25

It[God] was not created in the past, nor is it to be annihilated in the future; it is eternal, permanent, absolute; and from all eternity it sufficiently embraces in its essence all possible merits.--The Mahayana

Jesus tells us that we should look to the perfect law of liberty, follow its precepts, and then we shall be blessed in our deeds. This means to keep the eye single, or centered, on the Presence, the Power, and the Responsiveness of God's Spirit. The Law of God would have to be a law of liberty, since bondage could not come from freedom any more than death could be born of the Principle of Life. We often wonder why we are so limited, and too frequently project the blame for our limitations upon the universe or essentially our cirumstances. This is a psychological trick that we play in ignorance of the true Reality. Limitation is not imposed upon us by the universe, but through our own ignorance and elusional self(ego). Every scientific discovery since the beginning of recorded history tends to prove this. The Invisible takes temporary form in our experience.

I look upon these forms as the play of Life upon Itself. In our own experience we become through God's Creative Wisdom cocreators in our personal affairs. This Divine Creative Spirit embraces every possible action. There is no greater freedom to be found or given.

Each new day I open my consciousness to this freedom and to the Divine Influx, expecting greater wisdom, more definite guidance, and more complete self-expression.

Today, I lift up my consciousness and receive a more abundant expression. I bless everything and know that all good will multiply in my experience. I expect only good. I live in a state of joyous anticipation, as well as quiet realization. I expect the All Good and Perfect to manifest in my experience today and everyday.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

God Personified

Theirs was the fullness of heaven and earth; the more that they gave to others, the more they had.--Kwang-Tze

'Tis Love Itself that worketh the one harmony of all. Therefore, let us sing the praise of God.'--Hermes

We are the children of God; and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.--Romans 8:16-17

Jesus said,"Give and to you shall be given." All the great scriptures have announced this central and transcendent truth, realizing that every act carries with it a sequence, bringing the result of this action back to the self. Emerson called it the Law of Compensation, and Jesus proclaimed the same law in his teaching that as we sow, so shall we reap. This is why Kwang-Tze tells us that the more we give to others the more we have. Walt Whitman also refers to this when he says, "The gift is most to the giver and comes back most to him."

We are to view ourselves each in the other and behold God in all. Hermes tells us that when we realize Love as the great harmony, we shall all sing the praise of God. Before we can do this we must perceive this harmony in one another and in everything. Thus, everything that seems separated is actually united at the root.

Today I see God in everything, personified in all people, made manifest in every event and experience. I believe that the Spirit of God is never separated from the person or the event/experience. Today I recognize that I, too, am an instrument of God's perfection, and today I recognize my union, which is perfect, good and complete.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Universal Reflection

I am the Lord, I change not.--Malachi 3:6

The Tao, considered as unchanging, has no name.--Text of Taoism

The Tao cannot be heard; what can be heard is not It. The Tao cannot be seen; what can be seen is not It. The Tao cannot be expressed in words; what can be expressed in words is not It. Do we know the Formless which gives form to form? In the same way the Tao does not admit of being.--Kwang-Tze

Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is high as heaven.....The measure thereof is larger than the earth, and broader than the sea.--Job 11:7-9

Job asks us if we can find God by searching. He means that since God is everywhere, and since the subtle essence of the Infinite is invisible, we do not have to search out the Divine Spirit, but, rather, we should recognize It as the center of our life and all that exists.

That which we see when we look to the heavens, the stars, the planets, even planet earth is merely a reflection of this invisible Presence of God. In reality there is no space or time. What we see is a reflection of the Life of God that knows no space or time, where there is no beginning or end. The form I see when I look into a mirror is a refection of the form God makes. The Spirit Itself cannot be seen, but It is felt, just as we do not see God but we do feel the Divine in everything. The Creator is revealed in Its creation. The Formless gives rise to the formed.

I unite myself with this invisible Essence that pervades everything, that which is undivided and eternal. To do this is to find wholeness.

Today I feel that I merge with the Infinite and I see myself in the reflection of God's pool of Creative Spirit and Life. While there seems to be a beginning and an end to my life experience, there is neither. Even though I was born and I will die to this experience, my real life, my true existence is eternal and omnipresent in God, secure in Good, and Perfect in Divine Reality.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Today I Live

Pray not that sinners may perish, but that the sin itself may disappear.--The Talmud

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain.--Revelation 21:4

Today I live. Today I express perfect life as I was meant to do. Today I live in the reality of the perfect Life of God where there exist no fear, no doubt or uncertainty, no evil, no lack or limitation. Any mistakes or negations of my past are cleared from consciousness and therefore removed permanently from my existence. I live in the eternal Life of God.

The wisest man who ever lived told us that the knowledge of Truth shall make us free. He also taught that it is not the one who makes the mistake whom we should seek to destroy; it is the mistake itself which must be erased. Now, this means that evil has no existence in itself and has no history. No matter what the negations of yesterday may have been, my affirmations of today rise to transcend over them all. Thus all the evils of my yesterdays disappear into their native nothingness.

Where is the false, the untrue, and the evil when the knowledge of Truth has made me free? Its days are as though they had never been; its cause is netralized; hence it leaves no effect. Stop the weeping, the worrying over the shortcomings and mistakes of the past and, instead steadfastly behold the face of the great and the divine Reality. Today and tomorrow I will walk in that light wherein there is no darkness.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.--Hebrews 11:1

Faith is more than an objective statement. We do not have perfect faith while any subjective contradictions deny the affirmations of our lips or our thoughts. This is why the Bible tells us that we must know in our heart. Heart symbolizes the innermost center of our being.

When the intellect is no longer contradicted by my emotional reactions, by unconscious doubts and fears, then the word of my mouth will immediately bear fruit.

Today I have faith that my word shall not return unto me void. Today I surrender myself completely to this faith, for I know that there is a creative Spirit that gives substance to this faith and that will provide the evidence of this substance in actual manifestations. I expect good and perfect things and I rejoice in the anticipation of this good and perfect manifestations in my life. Faith operates through an immutable Law of God and that there is no possibility whatsoever of its failing.

Today, by faith, I ask and I receive only good and perfect things like love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, and passion for loving to be made manifest in my life. I see and I embrace the Presence of God in everything and everyone.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.--Psalm 37:5

It is written that the Law of the Lord is perfect; therefore, when I commit my ways unto the Lord, I am automatically using this perfect Law, even in the most trivial things of life. To this Law, there is neither great nor small. It is always responding to me by corresponding with my mental attitude toward It. As my mental attitude can be consciously controlled, I know that I can always make conscious use of the Law of Good.

Today I have faith in the Law of Good(God). Today I guard my thinking, consciously endeavoring to think affirmatively and with faith. I believe that the Law of the Lord will bring every Good and Perfect thing to me and will bless everyone whom I hold in my conscious mind reality. Knowing that the Law of Good(God) operates through my word, I speak this word with implicit confidence, with complete acceptance, and with absolute abandonment to good.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Be a simple man, be a man who loves and understands....--Lynyrd Skynyrd

As all scriptures tell us, true understanding comes from a spiritual perception of the Divine Unity back of all things. Knowledge is of the intellect; wisdom and understanding are of the heart. Those who have had true spiritual understanding have always taught us of the unity of good, that we are one in essence with the Spirit of God. All that is real is the Reality of God, nothing else exist.

Today I permit my spiritual understanding to penetrate everything that seems opposed to good. I perceive the One Cause, the One Presence, and the One Purpose. Today I consciously align myself with this Divine Presence that runs through me and everything. I open the gates of my consciousness and with enthusiasm, through recognition and acknowledgement, permit God's Spirit of Wholeness and the Spirit of Oneness, to flow through me and abide in my conscious mind. I know there is One God, one Spiritual Self, one perfect Law, and one eternal Life that I live.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The True Temple

Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you?--1 Corinthians 6:19

Emerson said that "God builds His temple in the heart," and Seneca said that "God is to be consecrated in the breast of each." St. Augustine said that "the pure mind is a holy temple for God." To realize that God is in us, with us, and for us, is the first step toward understanding that we are the temple of the Holy Ghost. It is the realization of this Spirit at the center of everything that enables us to see God in everything and everyone.

I believe that the conscious mind is the temple of the Christ Mind and we must control the conscious mind so that it functions through it allowing the Spirit of God to control the intellect. Because of this there is a divine patern of perfection at the center of my being. I will no longer think of my physical body as being separated from this Spiritual Presence which is God. The Presence is the Cause, the body is the effect, and the two are one.

Today I could ask for anything, believing it has been made manifest in my life and I indeed receive. I ask this day that only love, joy, peace, happiness, passion for loving everyone and everything, good health, wealth and prosperity, wisdom, right thinking and guidance be made manifest in my life. It is done.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mind of Christ

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 2:5

This scriptural passage means that we should recognize the Divine Incarnation, universal in essence, but individualized in personal experience. The spiritual genius of Jesus enabled him to see that each is a unique representation, an individualized expression of One Mind. The Mind of God in us is the Mind of Christ. At the center of every man's being the Eternal Christ waits, knocking at the door of his intellect for admission. This is not a faraway Presence, nor a future advent. The consciousness that walked over the troubled waters of human experience, the inner calm that stilled the tempest, is accessible to everyone.

I know that the Christ in me is always triumphant. I know that Christ in me is one with God; there is no separation, no isolation, no aloneness, no fear or doubt, no lack or limitation.

Today I expect and receive great experiences that are Good and Perfect. Today I expect Good and Perfect love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, wisdom, guidance and clear thinking.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Prayers of Affirmation

What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.--Mark 11:24

How simply Jesus tells us that whatever we need we shall receive, if we believe that we have it! Why is it so hard, then, for us to believe that the divine gift is forever made? Prayer is a sincere desire of the mind and intellect to enter into conscious union with the Divine Presence and to receive direct from It every good thing that makes life worthwhile.

My prayer today is one of affirmation. I accept the Divine beneficence and the eternal giving of the Spirit. Today I lift high my cup of acceptance, knowing that the universal Horn of Plenty fills it to overflowing. This shall include everything I need, whether it be health, happiness, or wisdom. Today my mind is open and my consciousness receives the Kingdom into itself.

Today is a Good and Perfect day! Only Good and Perfect love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity are made manifest in my life this day and every day. I give thanks for this Truth.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions....For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.--Isaiah 44:22

I refuse to carry the negations of yesterday into today. I forgive and I am forgiven. I love and I am loved. Whatever the mistakes of yesterday may have been, today is a new creation. Today I loose all condemnation. I judge not, and I am judged only by the Law of Good(God). There is no animosity, no criticism, no hatred. I shall behold the face of love, of beauty, and of peace in everyone I meet this day. I know that every right motive has the blessing of the Spirit of God that is in me, for me and all around me. There is nothing that opposes this blessing or denies this Divine gift.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Infinite Mind

The Bible speaks of the House of Bondage and the House of Freedom. Symbolically, it tells us that we must come "out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage," that we must be led by the Divine Spirit of God into that true home, which is heaven. Jesus said that "in my Father's house are many mansions." House is often a symbol of the physical body and I believe Jesus speaks of "that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." House is a symbol of any of the "vehicles, bodies, or habitations of the soul."

Today I permit my mental house to come into peace. Jesus also said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) But to be at peace I must first be set free and the truth that sets us free is our realization and acceptance that we are one with God. The truth that Jesus proclaimed would make us free lies only in the conscious communion of the soul with its Source, the conscious union of each individual with God, the conscious union of the heart's desire with the Source of its Being.

Today I know that this truth makes me free from fear, doubt, and uncertainty. From this truth flows peace, love, joy, happiness and passion for loving into my life, my reality. By accepting this truth, I affirm that there is One Infinite Mind, which is consciously directing my destiny.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Have we not all one Father? Hath not one God created us?--Malachi 2:10

Arthur Compton, in The Freedom of Man, tells us that science has discovered nothing that contradicts the idea of a Universal Mind, or Spirit(God), of which all people are offspring or emanations. It would be impossible to converse with each other unless there were a common medium or, as Emerson said, "one mind common to all people." It is impossible to depart from this Divine Presence, to be separated from this heavenly Father, which is the Parent Mind. Since God is everywhere, wherever we are, God is.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eternal Progress

Today I embrace fully the Presence of God(Spirit) within me, and It blesses me and everyone I meet, heals everything It touches, brings gladness into the life of everyone I contact. I recognize all sources as Divine and from God.

I am at the center in the Consciousness of God. I am an individual action being moved by the Action of God. I am eternal. Therefore, I do not have to wait for immortality. The resurrection of life is today. Jesus demonstrated that I am birthless, deathless, changeless and eternal. Living today as though I were an immortal being, I allow all thought of death, all fear of change to slip from me. I step out of the tomb of uncertainty and into the light of eternal day. Joyfully I am resurrected into that which is beautiful, enduring, and true. Silently I pass from less to more, from isolation into inclusion, from separation into oneness.

Today, realizing that there is nothing in my past that can rise against me, nothing in my future that can menace the unfoldment of my experience, I declare that life will be an eternal adventure of greater and better experiences. I revel in the contemplation of the immeasurable future, the path of eternal progress and the immortality of my own being.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Soul At Peace

Today and everyday when a problem confronts me, I take it into the silence of my consciousness and instead of thinking of the problem, I think of the answer. The Divine Presence of God guides me, guards me, and protects me. It counsels me with wisdom. It sustains and upholds me in everything I do. I believe and affirm the Universal Law that comes from the Mind of God and by my faith and belief causes the Law to bring into my experience those things that I may not understand but I accept.

I know that today I am free and unhindered. I feel the operation of Divine Love and Universal Law in my affairs. I know that everything I do today is governed by Love and controlled through this Law. I am most conscious that I am one with all people. In true Reality, there is no race or gender, only Spirit.

In complete reliance upon this Divine Spirit and with absolute faith in the goodness of God, I lay aside everything within me that contradicts the Divine and know that today peace, love, joy, good health, fulfillment, wealth and prosperity are mine. Today my soul is at peace, immortal and rejoicing in the eternal movement of Mind, of Spirit, and of God in all my affairs.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Goodness of God

I know that there is no influence, either visible or invisible, other than the influence of pure Spirit(God), acting and animating perfectly upon myself and all people. I know that there is no presence but Love(God), and no power but the Creative Spirit, which has neither enemy nor opposite. Goodness, joy, and peace abide with me today.

Today I believe that every affirmation I make will immediately take effect in my life. I fill every statement with joy; therefore, I expect joyful happenings. I fill every statement with love; therefore, I anticipate love in all relationships. I fill every statement with kindness, with tolerance, and with divine understanding; therefore, I expect all of my relationships to be harmonious.

I believe with a deep, inward calm that my word of faith is the execution of spiritual Law in my life. I know that my word penetrates any and every unbelief in my thought; it casts out fear, removes doubts, and permits that which is enduring, perfect, and true to enter into my consciousness and into my reality.

Today I proclaim my divine inheritance. I am rich with the richness of God. I am strong with the power of God. I am guided by the wisdom of God. I am held in the goodness of God, today.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Endless Unfoldment

A universal and infinite Intelligence(God) governs everything, holds everything in its place, and directs the course of everything. The Intelligence that governs the planets in their courses is the same Intelligence that is manifesting in me.

I choose to be governed by the Wisdom of God in everything I think, say, or do today. Since there is nothing large or small to the Infinite, there is nothing in my experience beyond Its action. Today I affirm the presence of this Wisdom, accepting and acknowledging Its action in my every endeavor. I permit It to guide me in every circumstance. Today I free myself from all past mistakes and know that I shall receive full compensation for every right thought.

God directs my path. There is no uncertainty or confusion. The Divine Spirit of God in me always knows what to do and how to do it, so I am never without guidance in the successful achievement of my good desires. My every thought, act, and purpose is guided by this Wisdom. I expect new and wonderful experiences to come to me today and everyday. I live my life in complete confidence that I am on the pathway of endless unfoldment, walking in the Light of infinite Wisdom.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Spirit Is Free

I rejoice that my spirit is free. Every past sense of limitation melts away and every good I have experienced is increased. Every joy that has come into my life is multiplied and there is a new influx of inspiration into my thoughts today. I see more clearly than ever that my Divine birthright, made in the Spiritual image of God, is freedom, joy and abundant good.

I know that God's Spirit is not limited in any way, so neither am I. Today I let go of all restricting ideas. Knowing that Life gives according to my faith, I lift my thought and elevate my faith this day. I accept the Divine Presence as now bountifully expressing peace and harmony in my life. Spirit will never fail me if I never fail to believe in Its goodness and Its responsiveness to my heart's desire. I believe God is for me and within me, therefore nothing can be against me. Today I will cease merely to exist; I will live free.

In the awareness that God indwells my life, that God is my life, I know that my spirit is released from all lack and limitation. Good and Perfect things like love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity are made manifest in my life this day and everyday. Today I rejoice and give thanks that my spirit is forever free.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Richness of God

I am always receptive to the gift of abundance that God has already made. Today I accept the gift of God' s abundance. Everything that I am and that I have is increased by it. I identify everything I do with success. I think affirmatively and in all my prayers I accept abundance. Whatever I need, whenever I need it, whereever I need it, for as long as I need it, will always be at hand. I no longer see negation or delay or stagnation in my endeavors. The action of God's living Spirit in me makes everything I do prosper, increases every good I possess, and brings success to me and everyone I meet.

Today I have a higher realization of the richness that is God.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kingdom of Good

I refuse to worry about anything today. I have complete confidence that the God who is always with me is able and willing to direct everything I do, to control all my affairs, to lead me into the pathway of peace and happiness.

Today, I release every sense of condemnation, either against myself or others. I refuse to accept any thoughts of animosity. I now understand that there is a Principle(Law) and a Presence in every person gradually drawing that person into the Kingdom of Good(God). As Jesus stated, I also believe that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and I am resolved to enter it, to possess it, and to let it possess me.

I know that the Life in me has energy that is inexhaustible and whose intelligence is without limit. It is Life(God) Itself. I know that I am not limited by anything that has happened or by anything that is now happening. Today as I enter into an entirely new set of conditions and circumstances, I know that which has no limit is flowing through my consciousness into action.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Secret Of Life

Since all things are possible to God, then all things are possible for me, which is also my true nature. I believe I have discovered the secret of life. I know that I have an inner spiritual reality that gives power to everything I do. I accept that this Divine Power is with me at all times, through eternity. Since this Power cannot fail, I will not fail. Since this Divine Presence cannot be divided or made unwhole, then my knowledge of my union with this Presence makes me whole. Since this Supreme Universal Intelligence cannot lack knowledge or wisdom, I know that I am divinely guided. Since the Eternal Mind of God, which dwells within me, is forever at peace, I know that I am led onto pathways of peace and great joy. Since God is all there is, I know that I dwell in intimate union with the only Presence and the only Power that exist. This is the Secret of Life.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

God Loves

I attended my son's wedding this past weekend on Long Island and the priest, Father Bob, made some very profound and unexpected comments during the ceremony. He said that God loves us through the people and things we attract into our lives. For example, he told my son that God is loving him through Amanda, his new wife, and God is loving Amanda by bringing Tyler into her life. He stated that this is not the result of fate which I thought was interesting. He also stated that God is closer than our own breath which I thought was excellent and very metaphysical coming from the traditional Catholic perspective. It was a beautiful ceremony and I felt very blessed to be a part of this Good and Perfect event in my family's life. I have never seen Tyler more happy and at peace. All our lives are made whole when we accept and receive the Gifts of God's Love.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One Source

"I will not leave thee nor forsake thee." Our divine nature never deserts us. Like the prodigal son, we may wander into far countries of despair, but God's Spirit within us ever gently urges us back to the center of our true being, to the one Source; It ever reminds us of God's presence.

Today, I acknowledge and affirm this True Self, the only True Reality, knowing that God will instantly supply me with whatsoever things I need. Today I consciously open my eyes to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within me. I affirm the indwelling Christ, that part of me that is perfect in God, that immortal Self that is birthless, deathless, and changeless. I live today, I move, and have my being in this Divine Reality.

"In God there is life; in God there is peace; in God there is wholeness." There is no need for sorrow, no need for fear or regret. In the Life of God where I live and exist there is no anxiety or despair, no fear or doubt, no lack or limitation. I affirm the wholeness of God and I am made whole. Today, I keep my vision and my thoughts on my belief that there is One God, One Power, One Presence, and One Reality from which I can never be separated from. I am one with God and I acknowledge and affirm the source of my true self and reality in God.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Heart's Desire

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.—Psalm 37:4

When the dawn breaks and the shadows flee, when the hills are touched with the rosy glow of the sun’s first rays, I wake to the thought that I am one with all life. I lift mine eyes to the Eastern sky and sing with the joy of one who beholds the Eternal Presence in everything.—Ernest Holmes

I know that there is a Divine Pilot steering my boat safely to a harbor of peace, to an environment of happiness, and to a haven of good. Therefore, I am not afraid, even when the billows roll and the wind sweeps by, for there is a Divine hand guiding my ship; there is an invisible Presence at the wheel. I lift the sails of faith and let the winds of love fill them with the mighty power of the Divine Presence. My boat rides upon a sea of Pure Spirit and finds safe anchorage everywhere, always.—Ernest Holmes

Today and every day, I permit my mind to become saturated with the Divine Ideal of God. In everything I do this day I will have a greater sense of this Divine Presence, sustaining, upholding, and guiding me. My joy, my happiness, my peace is increased as I rejoice in my unity with God, my creator and Life.

I am guided by Divine Intelligence, which goes before me and makes Good and Perfect my way. I am given freedom to rise above fear, impoverishment, and limitation. Today I exercise dominion over my environment, over every circumstance and condition that I contact. The joy of Life flows into my thought and work. Peace and harmony attend everything I do. Love and protection are ever present. Today I know that every worthy desire of my heart is fulfilled.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Realization of Truth

Emerson said there is One Mind common to all creation, all persons. The Mind shared by all human beings is the One Mind of God, which each person uses and exercises this Intelligence functioning at the level of the individual's comprehension of IT. We are created from this Mind, formed and animated by the same Spirit of the One Unifying and Omnipotent and Omnipresent Mind.

This Mind, which is God, permeates every atom of my being. It is the governing Principle in every organ of my body. It is the Principle of Perfection within me. This Principle is perfect, complete, whole, and limitless, but my thought circumscribes Its action and causes the very Mind of Freedom to create conditions of bondage. My thought is the activity of this Principle and my consciousness of the Divine Presence within me, like light, dissipates the darkness. It is the Mind of God manifesting Itself in you, as you.

I rejoice that at last I am awakening to this realization of Truth. The doorway to wisdom, power and truth is the doorway already within me. Somewhere within me the Mind of God reveals this truth, that I am born free and the will of God for me is one of goodness, truth, and beauty.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


For there is no power but of God: the power that be, are ordained of God.--Romans 13:1

My word is creative and I identify myself with the abundant life. I think of those Good and Perfect things that manifest into peace, happiness and joy. I dwell in the unity that underlies all life. Because I am at peace and poised in the realization that I live in pure Spirit(God), new power is born in me, my soul is born again unto the Truth.

Realizing that all power is ordained of God and knowing that my word is the Law of Spirit in my life, I realize that my word is creative. Therefore, I speak that word in quiet confidence and with complete faith.

There is no need or want or lack in my life, for my consciousness places no limitation on what God gives me and I believe that God withholds nothing from me. It is God's nature to give(to love). I know that all my needs are fulfilled from that Eternal Source, the Kingdom of God, which is ever present. My desire is now fulfilled and my experience in this life is enriched, and that which I have, I give also.

The One Life within me is mighty to heal, make blind see, the crippled walk. I recognize that the Divine Spirit that flows through me is the same Presence of Love that flowed through Jesus. My thought is ever inspired from this One Source of all inspiration, the Divine creative imagination of the Living Spirit. Daily I am renewed by this Life, led by Divine Intelligence, and guarded by Divine Love.

Today I focus my vision on the indwelling harmony, love, peace and joy, knowing that as I contemplate these Good and Perfect things inwardly, they are made manifest in my life and the life of others.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


For I am the Lord, I change not.--Malachi 3:6

Emerson said, "nothing is dead; human beings feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals and mournful obituaries, and there they stand looking out of a window, sound and well, in some new and strange disguise."

I believe in every person there is this hope, this belief in the immortality of his own being, and there is something about every living soul that knows he is made of immortal stuff, that there is no death. But eternity is not some far-off event, remember, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God." It is today that I enter into a complete realization of my immortal being.

Today I sense that every person is as eternal as God. Today I know that all humanity is clothed with resurrection. Immortality is at hand and I must experience it. I must live as an immortal Being and I will deny any belief in me that does not allow me to experience eternity in this moment, in this day.

Today, realizing there is nothing in my past that can rise against me, nothing in my future that can menace the unfoldment of my experience, life will be an eternal adventure, an unfolding experience of greater and better experiences. Evolution is onward, upward, forward, outward, expansive and always changing and adapting. I live in this abundant life and I am in awe in comtemplating the immeasurable future, my path of eternal progress and growth. I am blessed to be awaken to this eternal Truth.

Monday, September 21, 2009

All Things

Alll things are made out of Life(God). How wonderful to realize that from one formless and invisible Substance everything that is visible comes. This invisible essence of things is the spirit of Life Itself. I believe this Spirit is at the center of everything and everyone and is a manifestation of the Divine Presence of God.

There is but one Life. When we recognize life in others it is the life in us that is responding to them. As we unify with this life through people, it unifies with us. As we agree with it, it agrees with us.

I know that my spirit is awakened when I recognize the same Spirit in others. Realizing the presence of life in all nature, I know that it responds to me. I am one with that which is alive, awake, and aware. There is nothing dead, nothing stagnant, nothing inactive. In all, through all, and around all, I realize One Presence(God). There are great diversities of things all around, but the same Spirit.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Divine Mind Pervades Everything

No one knows exactly what the mind is, but we certainly know that it is something within us that enables us to be conscious and aware. We are told to let the Mind be in us that was in Christ. What can this mean other than that each should recognize the Divine Incarnation in himself? How can the Mind of Christ exist separate of God. If the Mind be in us that was in Christ, then would it not make sense that God is also in us, Divine Incarnation.

It was this realization of His union with good, with life, with God, that endowed Jesus with his miraculous power. There is one very important question that every Christian or any searcher of truth should ask themself concerning what to believe about the man called Jesus. Which is more important, who you say Jesus is; or the significance of what Jesus did? Many will argue both, I believe, however, the latter is the most important truth to ponder.

I also believe that there is just One Mind, which all people use. Each one is an individual in It. It is individualized in and through each. The Mind of God in man is Christ. This Mind is not a far away presence, nor is It some future event toward which we travel. It is something that is already and forever established, that needs but to be recognized to spring forth into manifestation in our experience. My brother, Michael, likes to refer to this event as an awakening of the soul which has been asleep because of sin. This recognition can come to anyone at any time. We need not move away from ourselves to discover ourselves. What we do is awaken our sleeping soul and it reveals that which is already alive at the center of our being

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fullness of Life

God is not afraid of anything, therefore I fear nothing. Fear has no place in my life. The Divine Mind of God has no enemies. This Spirit knows no opposites or opposition. As I consciously draw close to embrace this Presence which is at the center of my being, I feel the radiation of Its warmth and color, Its splendid beauty!

I enter into that faith made perfect through love and confidence, that assurance made complete by the abandonment of myself to the Divine Life of God, acknowleging good in all my ways, desiring only Good and Perfect things in my life and in others. I refuse to accept evil as a part of the Divine Kingdom. I rest today in calm assurance that I have nothing to fear.

Peace, beauty, poise, and power belong to this kingdom where I dwell. I gladly acknowlege and enthusiastically accept gifts of joy, peace, happiness and love from upon High, knowing that the gifts are not to me alone but is the gift of Life to all that lives. Today knowing that I am set free by this Truth and knowing that everything is love(God's true nature), I gladly give myself to life, to the joy of living. This day I affirm that all thoughts I may have ever held regarding fear, uncertainty, doubt, lack or limitation are total dispelled and cleansed from my conscious and subconsious thoughts. My true reality is made manifest out of the Life of God where only love, joy, peace, happiness, perfect health, wealth, prosperity, abundance, and goodness exist.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Divine Purpose

For we are laborers together with God: ye are God's field, ye are God's building.--1 Corinthians 3:9

My thought is a gatekeeper. I know that the Spirit of God within me is my strength and power. I approach life with a sense of security and wellbeing. I know that I have a secret source in God. I know that my thought is a gateway to illumination. There is this source within me from which comes inspiration, guidance, and wisdom. Therefore, I accept the fullness of this eternal moment in my life. I accept life as a glorious experience, a spiritual adventure.

I believe in myself because I first believe in God. I believe in my destiny because I believe that the law of good is operating through me. I have a calm confidence in the future, a keen and enthusiastic expectation of good things to come.

I believe with my whole mind and heart that all the power and presence there is, surrounds me in an eternal embrace, that this Spirit forever imparts Its own Life to me, forever glows through me into happiness, success and well-being.

I know that I cannot live unto myself alone, but that I am a part of all Life. Jesus even said that he could do nothing outside or separate of the Father. I belong to the universe in which I live, which is the Life of God.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Divine Birthright

There is One Life, that Life is God, that Life is my life now. It is only when I live affirmatively that I can be happy. It is only as I seek the good that I find it. It is only as I mentally align my consciousness with abundance that it finds me.

We have been told to behold the face of God forevermore in everything. Now we know that we do not really see God anymore than we see life. No one has ever seen life, but everyone has experienced it through living. No one has ever seen God, but some people have experienced God's Presence so completely that their whole life becomes a continual affirmation of peace, poise, beauty, and power. All persons have experienced this Presence to some degree.

My youngest daughter, Lindsey, called me this morning to tell me that she had taken a photo yesterday of the most beautiful rainbow she had ever seen. She was traveling the coastline of Maine and had stopped at this old lighthouse built in the late 1800s' when she witnessed the rainbow. As she described the beauty and the splendor of what she had seen, I mentioned that the same beautiful colors are always around us but we fail to see them until the conditions are just right. One day I will see the true colors of God's Spirit but until then I embrace the Divine Presence as revealed to me in this life.

Being told to behold God's face means that we should recognize life, poise, beauty, power, peace, joy, happiness, abundance, in and through everything and everyone, including the rainbow. I do this today with the certainty of splendid results.

Today I recognize the Divine Presence in everything. In the midst of darkness I see Light. I know that Eternal Light dissipates all darkness. Today I recognize beauty in the midst of ugliness, peace in the midst of confusion. Today I change all doubt into certainty, all sorrow into joy, and all fear into faith.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Think Good and Perfect

The eternal God is my refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.--Deuteronomy 33:27

Today my life experience is enriched by perfect faith; my affairs are in the keeping of the Eternal Mind of God; I live in the Divine Presence and I am guided by infinite Wisdom and always sustained by limitless Love. I am part of the Eternal Wholeness of God and I live, move, and have my being, my existence in this Spirit of God. I am consciously drawing upon this Spirit for inspiration.

Today I carefully watch my thinking, to be certain that I see in everyone I meet a reflection of the Divine Image of God, a copy of the Divine Pattern of Life, and a true manifestation of the Life of God's Spirit.

Today I think upon all things that are Good and Perfect. I draw unto me only Good and Perfect love, joy, happiness, peace, good health, wealth and prosperity, passion for loving deeper and wider. I receive as I have asked. God withholds nothing from me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Miracle of Love

Today I hold my thought steadfast in the realization that Divine Life is flowing through me. I believe in the fullness of the bounty of God. There can be no lack in Spirit. God's Spirit now inspires me in everything I do, say, and think.

Realizing that God is the animating essence of all life, that God withholds nothing from me, I prepare myself for a life of joy, love, accomplishment, health, and well-being. I permit myself to believe in the divine freedom that is my birthright. This Truth shall set you free!

I know that the Law of Good(God) keeps me in perfect activity, surrounds me with love and friendship, and causes me to experience the joy of living. It causes me to impart to everyone I meet an atmosphere of confidence and faith that uplifts and enlightens.

Today I permit the flow of pure Spirit(God) to enter my consciousness at every level, to radiate in my environment, to bless everything I touch, to make whole that which is weak, to turn fear into faith, and to accomplish the miracle of Love.

Friday, September 11, 2009

I Ask, I Receive

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.--Matthew 7:7

"Ask, and it shall be given unto you" is one of the greatest promises of the ages and has within it the greatest possibility ever experienced by the mind of man. Surely this implies that there is a power that can and will honor our request. But the same man said, "Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss." These two sayings of Jesus are not contradictory, each implies that there is a Divine Power that withholds nothing from man but cannot contradict Its own nature. That is, God's nature is love(good). Evil does not exist and has never existed in God's nature and if your request is not constructive and good, then your desires will not be fulfilled from God's abundance. If our desires go against God's nature, this would be "asking amiss." Outside of God's nature evil is made manifest through the mind and actions of man.

Whatever I ask for in the name of God's true Reality, that is, in the nature of that which is real, I shall most certainly receive. First, I must seek, be clear and focused on what I desire, and I shall find it. I must also recognize and embrace my oneness with God, understanding that what I seek comes through this relationship. Secondly, "knock, and it shall be opened unto you," means that my conscious mind must be opened to acceptance, faith, and confidence, to receive what I desire. I cannot receive that which my mind refuses to accept due to doubt, uncertainty, confusion and fear.

Today I believe and I accept with thanksgiving all the blessings that come to me from the Life of God. Therefore, today I ask and know that I shall receive. I seek and know that I shall find. Today I knock and know that it shall be opened unto me. I receive the gift of Life in all Its fullness. I ask this day for only Good and Perfect love, peace, happiness, joy, good health, wealth and prosperity, passion for loving others and passion for living. As I have asked, I receive.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Acquanted With God

The world is mine, and the fulness thereof.--Psalm 59:12

The Spirit of God, which is Life, is present everywhere. Like the air we breathe, It presses against us. On the mountaintop, in the valley, in the desert, and in the ocean--there is no place where Life(God) is not. Therefore, whatever direction I move in, I move in God. In God I live, move, and have my being. I exist only in the Life of God, nowhere else.

For years I struggled with the concept of one universal and all-encompassing Power that is in everything, energizing and animating everything. How can this be? My endeavor, then, became not so much to find God or to discover the Divine Source of my own life and being, but it became an obsession of mine to be acquanted with God and to grasp what little my mind would accept and comprehend. I believe that God is one undivided and indivisible Whole, One Divine and Spiritual Presence and One universal and all-encompassing entity and we exist in the midst of all of this.

Today, I commune with the Spirit of God that is present in the words that I type. I know that God's Presence presses against me and flows through me this very moment. My desire is to continuously feel this Presence as a living reality in my life. Today, knowing that the Divine Presence is in everyone, I sense this Spirit in everyone I meet. I keep my consciousness open and alert that I may better understand the union of all life with its pure and perfect Source.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Perfect Faith

I believe that all things are possible to the person who has faith. But what is faith and is there such a thing as perfect faith? Is faith a mental attitude or an attitude of the intellect? Faith is a belief formed in the conscious mind, whereas the belief is no longer denied or contradicted by our reactionary subconscious mind.

Faith is perfect when we say, "I believe," and when there is nothing within us that says, "Help thou mine unbelief." Faith is more than just an objective statement. We cannot have perfect faith while subjective contradictions deny the affirmation of our lips. Perfect faith comes from the heart symbolizing the innermost center of our being. When the intellect is no longer contradicted by our emotional reactions, by our unconscious doubts and fears, the word of our mouth will immediately bear fruit.

Today I have faith that my word shall not return unto me void. Today I surrender myself completely to this faith, for I know that there is a creative Spirit that gives substance to this faith and that will provide the evidence of this substance as it becomes realized in my life.

Today I expect only Good and Perfect things to be made manifest in my life such as love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, creativity, knowledge and understanding, passion for loving and passion for living. I rejoice in the anticipation of these Good and Perfect manifestations. My faith operates through an immutable Spiritual Law that never fails.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Always Glad

I proclaim today a day of great joy, gladness and gratitude. I know that all my needs, physical, emotional, and mental are cared for by an infinite Source, which is God. Today I know that the healing Presence of Life is within me, forever restoring my mind and body.

Body and mind are One in Spirit. Physical health is a state of wholeness in mind, as well as in body. My mind and body is an offspring of pure Spirit and It is well with my soul. God gives freely to all creation including wellness and wholeness. God's Life heals me and makes me whole. God withholds nothing from me.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Unto The Hills

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.--Psalm 121:1

We tend to become like that with which we identify ourselves. It is only as we let go of the lesser identity than we can take hold of the greater identity with Divine Strength. Only as we drop confusion can we entertain peace. To transcend doubt, fear and uncertainty we must lift up our thought unto the spiritual hills of Life.

It is said that Jesus went up to the mount to deliver the most famous sermon ever given to the world. We, too, must go up to the mountain top if we would rise above the little things that bother us. We must identify ourselves completely with the greatness of the Spirit of God and breathe in Its mighty power. Too long have we identified ourselves with that which is small, insecure, uncertain and unworthy. Today we must permit our consciousness, through our faith, to rise to a greater and deeper realization of the Divine Presence forever delivering Its nature to us. Consciously, every moment, we must continue to identify ourselves with the Source of all, God.

Today, if confusion enters my thought, even briefly, I shall repudiate it. I turn resolutely to the Divine Source in me that knows no confusion, to that spiritual Center within me that knows no fear.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

All-Inclusive Love

I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.--Psalm 23:4

Fear is based on the supposition that evil is equal to good. It is not. Love alone breaks down the barriers of fear and, through faith, discovers that there is an Eternal Heart. The only thing that can adequately overcome fear is confidence and love.

I must learn to turn from all of the little petty things that fret and stress me, from the obstructions and challenges that seem so insurmountable, from the problems that seem too great to be solved. I realize that there is no fear in love; but perfect love will cast out fear. I open my whole being to a love of everything, of everyone; for love to be real it must be all-inclusive.

Today my mind is at peace as I enter into a conscious relationship with the Divine Presence of God. I shall permit only that which is loving, kind, and true to find entrance into my consciousness. Realizing that I cannot ask for that which I refuse to give, I will love all things, people and events throughout this day. I ask for, I receive and I give of the Good and Perfect nature of God in me: Love, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Good Health, Wealth and Prosperity, Passion for Loving, Passion for Living Life Abundantly.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Supreme Presence

The concept of a Supreme Presence is so universal that it is present in every age, with all people, and at all times. Every person alive this moment is relying on God whether or not this is consciously recognized or not.

To this Divine Presence, Jesus gave the name of "Our Father which art in heaven," which means the Spirit of Life--Divine Intelligence--within me, the protecting power of Spirit around me. Here was a man whose vision dared to penetrate the invisible, one who placed his hand serenely in the invisible Hand of God with inplicit confidence. No one can doubt that his works justified his words, that his faith was manifest through his acts.

Nothing has happened to our true Reality since this glorious soul walked the earth, the highways of human experience. God, or Life, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. With equal confidence we should be able to believe in the protecting Presence and the ever-available Spirit.

Today, I fear no evil. I wrap myself in the mantle of divine protection. My life is Good and Perfect because I abide in this Presence of Good and Perfect working in me, through me, for me and all around me.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I Open The Door

Behold, I stand at the door and knock.--Revelation 3:20

The healing Christ comes into the mind of all who receive Him. This Christ is the incarnation of God in the individual soul. Spirit has imparted Itself to all persons. This divine incarnation, this living Presence at the center of our being is Christ, the soul of every living person.

I do not will this Presence into existence, nor do I by declaration, affirmation, or any other action. I do not court it by false humility nor engage Its attention merely by admiration or praise. This Presence, this Power, is already here. It is my willingness, my acceptance, and my recognition that gives entrance to the Divine Presence. It is faith and acknowledgement that permit Its creative power to flow through my words. Therefore, "I lift up mine eyes unto the hills(the Divine Presence within me) from whence cometh my strength."

Today and everyday I will look long and earnestly, sincerely and simply upon every object and every person until this Presence is revealed. I will wait at the doorway with great expectations until my acceptance grants my mind the privilege of "beholding God's face forevermore." Today I expect to see God's shining Presence revealed. Today the most High is revealed in my life.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 2:5

I believe that the Mind of God is ever-present and that Divine Intelligence is always available to us all. I open my consciousness to Its guidance. I must, however, not divide my attention between believing and doubting. I carefully guard my mental reactions, seeking always to keep them affirmative, to keep them open to that which is constructive. This is why I always pray in the affirmative.

I keep my mind steadfast and loyal to my belief that I am governed by Divine Intelligence, which always knows what I ought to think and do and how I should do it. I feel that I am compelled to make right and constructive decisions, that I am impelled to right action, that there is something within me that always knows how to think and how to act according to God's purpose.

Daily I reassure myself of this divine nature within me and affirm that the Intelligence that governs all things governs me; that the Life that flows through everything flows through me; that there is One Mind, which is God. I believe that this Mind is the source of inspiration as well as energy and action as well as illumination. Therefore, I know that at all times I have a silent, invisible partner walking with me, talking with me, cooperating with me. I keep my mind open to guidance. I let that Mind be in me that was also in Christ.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Great Expectations

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you.
--II Corinthians 9:8

Realizing that all action starts with and is a result of my conscious thought planted in the Mind of God this very moment, as I write these words, I prepare myself to receive the best that Life has to offer. Mentally I associate myself with that which is good, beautiful, and happy. I abide in the Mind of God and the Spirit of God animates my life fully and completely. I am always aware of the One Presence, the One Life, and the One Spirit, which is God, my Source.

I believe that it is God's intention for everyone to live an abundant life, I consciously align myself with the outpouring of Spirit. I accept that all things are possible if I have faith. I align myself with only Good and I expect only Good and Perfect manifestations in my life. I accept love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity this day and every day. This is God's intention and plan for me.

Today I expect an increase in everything. Today I expect greater joy, more happiness, deeper peace, and a more complete sense of Divine Power. Today I meet everyone with the understanding that he or she is a part of the Divine Order which I also belong too. There is nothing else. Today I receive my inheritance of the Kingdom of Good(God).

I am pure spirit and I identify only with the One Spirit. I live by faith, my life is an expression of God's Spirit in me, through me, and for me. I am one with the One Divine Being.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Attract Only Good

Thou shalt make me full of joy.--Acts 2:28

There is a law of attraction and repulsion that I consider absolute in the way that it works in our life automatically. Jesus proclaimed that it is done unto us as we believe. This remarkable spiritual genius even went so far as to say that when we feel the need of anything, or desire it, we should pray for it and in the act of our prayer we should mentally receive the object of our desire as though it already exists.

Nothing is more important than that we should consciously use this law of attraction with simplicity and in faith. If this principle is true, the reward will be certain unless I undermine the ultimate result through my own conscious thought that repels or denies the good I desire.

Today, my prayer is one of affirmation and acceptance. I lift up my cup of acceptance, knowing there is Divine outpouring that fills it to the brim. My cup overflows with joy, love, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity. I turn away from anything that denies the good. God withholds nothing from me.

Monday, August 31, 2009

I Accept These Truths

My life flows and is formed completely from the perfect Spirit that is the center of everything. Like an underground or invisible spring that forms the rivers and creeks, this perfect Spirit flows in me, through me, and for me, bringing such great joy and abundance, love, happiness, peace and wholeness touching every part of my being.

I am one with God. Nothing can separate me from the Divine Presence within me. With complete faith in God's Power, I know that all I am and do is an expression of the Divine expressing Itself through me.

I am one with the infinite and Perfect Spirit of God, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. I open my mind and my heart to the inflow of this Divine Presence. I know that this living Presence is in every part of my being. There is no doubt or fear in my mind that rejects in any way all that God is, right here and right now. My thoughts, my words, my life are blessed and healed this day through the Presence of Good(God) that is within me which makes me whole.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Overcoming Hate

There is but one Presence in the universe and that Presence is God. Since It permeates everything, it must be in and through me as well. This Presence manifests Itself in and through all forms, all people, all conditions. This Presence gives Life and is Life. Its nature is love and It withholds nothing from me.

Negativity may be an experience and a fact we recognize in our minds but it can never be an ultimate truth. Life(God) cannot operate against Itself. Good and evil cannot coexist. Always the negative is overcome by the positive. Good cannot fail to overcome evil. Negative experiences may seem to exist for a brief moment, but Truth exist forever. The consciousness of Good must overcome the appearance of evil. Good(God) obliterates everything unlike Itself, even as the sun dissolves the mist.

I refuse to contemplate evil as a legitimate power. I know that it will flee from me; it dissolves and disappears in the light of love. I know that hate cannot exist where love is recognized. I turn to the true Reality where evil does not and never will exist. It exist only if we permit it as a manifestation of our own mind. The manifestation of God is complete and overcomes any and all perceived evil.

Love makes the way clear before me. I am guided into an ever-widening experience of living life to Its fullest. My every thought and act this day is an expression of the goodness that flows to me from Life(God).

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Christ Mind

The healing Christ abides within me. The Christ Mind that abides within you and me is the incarnation of God in every individual. Not a person lives who does not at some time in his or her life sense this inward Presence, this vision of the Divine that presses against us. It is seeking entrance through our thoughts. We must open the door of our consciousness and permit It to enter. It is our willingness, acceptance, and recognition that give entrance to the Divine Presence. It is our faith and acknowledgement that permit Its creative power to flow through our word and our thoughts.

Today I open my consciousness to a realization of the living, eternal Christ. I know that the Christ dwells in me and I know that there is an invisible Guide, a living Presence with me at all times. With complete simplicity and directness, I recognize my Divine center. Consciously, I unify myself with this pure Spirit in which I live, move, and have my being. I am strong with the strength of the all-vitalizing power of pure Spirit of God. I am sustained by Divine Energy, which flows through me as radiant health and vitality. Every atom of my being responds to this Divine Presence. I completely surrender myself to it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ask In Faith

"Ask and ye shall receive." This is one of the most wonderful statements ever uttered. It implies that there is a Power that can and will honor your request. But it is only as you let go of the lesser that you can take hold of the greater, only as you drop confusion that you entertain peace, only as you transcend doubt, fear and disbelief that you can be lifted up to the hilltops of the inner Life. In asking, I must always identify myself with the greatness of God's Spirit in me. I permit my consciousness, through faith, to rise to a greater and broader realization that Divine Presence is always delivering Itself to me.

Through the quiet contemplation of the omni-action of God's Spirit, I learn to look quietly and calmly upon every false condition, seeing through it to the other side of the invisible Reality that molds conditions and recreates all of myaffairs after a more Divine pattern. I know that my word transmutes every energy into constructive action, producing health, harmony, happiness, and success.

I know that through the Divine Presence that is in me and for me, this Reality is the supply for my every need--physical, mental, or spiritual--and I accept this supply in deepest gratitude. I embrace and permit a consciousness of Wholeness to flow into my world of thought and action, knowing that It brings peace, harmony, joy, love and order all around me. There arises within me limitless faith in the unconquerable Presence of God, the Perfect Law, and Divine Action.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jehovah Jireh

I am bountifully supplied all my needs from Divine substance. Life fills all space and Spirit animates every form. But as an individual, even the Spirit of God cannot make me accept this gift of Life unless I choose to accept it. The gift has already been made but I must accept it.

The Spirit of God comes to self-fulfillment in everything. Through the manifestation of the power that is within me, I can project any objective experience I may legitimately desire in my life. I must be accepting of this truth, that I am living in joyous expectation of good and perfect life and that I accept the true nature of abundance.

Today I recognize the abundance of life. I animate everything in my experience today with this idea. I remember only the good and perfect. I accept only the good and perfect things and expect only good and perfect. Good and perfect elements like love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, passion for loving and passion for living are made manifest and demonstrated in my life this day and every day. I give thanks that this good and perfect life is flowing in ever increasing volume. I do not withhold this good and perfect from myself or others, but proclaim that spiritual substance is forever flowing to each and all as daily supply. Jehovah Jireh, the Lord Shall Provide.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Spirit Permeates Everything

It is only as you live affirmatively that you can be happy. Knowing that there is but one Spirit in which I live, move, and have my being, I feel this Spirit not only in my consciousness but also in my daily affairs. I am united with all. I am one with the Eternal Light Itself. This Presence of God's Spirit within me blesses everyone I meet, tends to heal everything I touch, brings gladness into the life of everyone I come in contact with, therefore I receive the blessing.

Today I uncover the perfection within me. In its fullness I reveal the indwelling Presence. I look out upon the world of my affairs, knowing that the Spirit within me makes my way both immediate and easy. I know there is nothing in me that could possibly obstruct or withhold the Divine flow of Life and Love into my life. I know that God withholds nothing from me.

My word dissolves every negative thought or impulse that could throw a shadow over my perfection. Good flows through me to all. Good shines through my thoughts and actions. Good harmonizes my body so that it is revitalized, manifesting perfection in every cell, organ, and function. Good harmonizes my mind so that Love sings joyously in my heart. I am in complete unity with Good (God).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

All Is Well

The good in which I believe triumphs over every evil I have experienced. I have a silent partnership with the Infinite and this partnership can never be dissolved. I have implicit confidence in my ability, knowing that it is the nature of thought to externalize itself in my affairs. Today I turn resolutely from every sense of lack, want, and limitation, and declare that the perfect Law of God is operating in, for, and through me.

I have complete confidence in my knowledge and understanding of the Law of Good (God). I not only know what the Law is, I know how to use it. I know that I shall obtain definite results through the use of it. Knowing this, having confidence in my ability to use the Law, and using it daily for specific purposes, gradually I build up an unshakable faith, both in the Law and the possibility of demonstrating It.

Therefore, today I declare that the Law of the Lord is perfect in everything I do. Today I believe in Divine Guidance. Today I believe that "underneath are the everlasting arms." Today I rest in this divine assurance and this divine security. I know not only that all is well with my soul, my spirit, and my mind--all is well with my affairs.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Love is Harmony

The law of the Lord is perfect and the law of the Lord is love. I am made perfect in the law when I enter into conscious communion with Love. It is only through love that the law can fulfil itself in my experience, because love harmonizes everything, unifies everything. You can never make the most perfect use of the law in your life unless that use is motivated by love. This love is more than a sentiment or a feeling. It is a deep sense of the underlying unity, beauty, and majesty of all life, the goodness running through me and everything.

Today I sense the essence of this Love in everyone and everything. Everyone shall show love to me as I show love to them. My soul meets the soul of the universe in everyone. Everything has meaning and beauty. This Love is a healing power transforming everything into wholeness, healing the wounds of experience with its divine touch.

I know that this Love is the very essence, the very substance of Life in all creation. This Creative Spirit is the reason for everything, flowing through my whole being, spiritual, mental, and physical. It flows in transcendent ways into my world of thought and form, ever renewing, vitalizing, bringing joy, harmony, and blessings to everything and everyone it touches. I am blessed.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Divine Presence Within Me

The Spirit of God is an undivided and indivisible Wholeness. It fills all time with Its presence and all space with the activity of Its thought. I believe that this Presence is always with me. Nothing can be nearer to me than that which is the very essence of my being. Life flows up from within me.

I know that my search is over. I am consciously aware of the Presence of God's Spirit. I have discovered the great Reality. I am awake to the realization of this Presence. There is but one Life. Today I see It reflected in every form, backing of every countenance, moving through every act. Knowing that the Divine Presence is in everyone I meet, the same Spirit in all people. I acknowledge the good in everything.

I recognize the Life of God responding to me from every person I meet, in every event that transpires, in every circumstance in my experience. I feel the warmth and color of this Divine Presence continuing to press against me, forever welling up within me--the well spring of Eternal Being present yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Divine Bounty

Today I identify myself with the more abundant life, to think of those things that make for peace, and to dwell on the unity that underlies everything. I fully acknowledge that I live in pure Spirit, new power is born within me upon this realization. I find myself renewed by the Divine Life of God, led by Divine Intelligence, and guarded by Divine Love. I focus my inward vision on this indwelling harmony, knowing that as I contemplate its perfection I will see it manifest in everything I do.

Realizing that the Spirit within me is God, the Spirit Almighty, being fully conscious of this Divine Presence as the sustaing Principle of my life, I open my thought to Its influx; I open my consciousness to Its outpouring. I know and understand that God alone is real. I know that silently I am drawing into my experience today, and every day, an ever-increasing measure of truth and beauty, of goodness and harmony.

Everything I do, say, and think is quickened into right action, into productive action, into increased action. My invisible good already exists; my faith, drawing upon this invisible good, causes that which was unseen to become visible. God withholds nothing from me.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Faith Makes Me Whole

Faith is most definitely a mental attitude. Often out of your enthusiasm to believe in something faith becomes stronger but challenges arise when your old thought patterns rise to the surface of your mind with questions and self doubt which blocks your faith from being made manifest in your life.

Faith is more than an objective statement. Perfect faith, if there is such a thing, cannot exist while there are subjective contradictions that deny the affirmation of your thoughts and words. It is only when your intellect is no longer obstructed by negative emotional human reactions arising out of your experiences of doubt and fear that the words of your mouth can immediately bear fruit.

I believe with a deep, inward calm that my word of faith is real and powerful. I have absolute reliance upon the Law of Good(God). I believe this spiritual Law of Good will bring everything desirable into my experience this day and every day. Today I claim my Divine inheritance. I am blessed with the richness of God; I am strong with the power of God; I am guided by the wisdom of God. I am held in the goodness of God, today. God withholds nothing from me.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Guidance and Wisdom

Realizing that all action starts in, and is a result of, my conscious thought, I prepare my mind to receive the best that life has to offer. I am becoming increasing aware of the one Presence, the one Life, and the one Spirit, which is God. I repel all sense of lack or limitation from my thoughts. The Spirit of God is revealed to me and works for me through my belief and faith. All things are possible to this Spirit; therefore, everything is possible to me in such degree as I can believe, trust and accept the operation of God's Spirit in my life. I acknowledge the oneness with this power and Its unity with my life. Today I loose all thoughts of discord and fear and permit the true pattern and manifestation of the Life of God to come to the surface of my own experience.

Today I desire the Wholeness of God to flow through me in ever-widening circles of activity. Every good I have experienced or will experience is now increased. Every joy that has come into my life is now multiplied. There is a new influx of inspiration into my thought. I see more clearly than ever before that my divine birthright is freedom, joy, and eternal goodness. The Divine Presence interprets Itself to me through love and friendship, through peace and harmony. Knowing that Life gives according to my faith, I lift my mind, I elevate my faith, and I listen more intently to the song coming from the center of my being(soul).

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Claiming My Inheritance

Did Jesus not say that the Kingdom of God is at hand? The riches, power, glory, and great joy of this kingdom I claim this day. I do not rob others by entering into the fullness of this kingdom of joy, this kingdom of abundance. I recognize that all people belong to the same kingdom. I am merely claiming for myself what the Law of Good and Perfect would do for all who understand this truth.

There is no law of human heredity imposed upon me. Evil has no history. Limitation has no past or future. All that might be opposed to good has no future. My eternal life is now and forever filled with the Presence of Perfect Life(God). I have been, and forever will remain, a complete and perfect expression of the Eternal Mind, which is God.

Today I enter into the limitless variations of self-expression that the Divine Spirit of God projects into my experience. Knowing that all experience is a play of Life upon Itself, the coming of love into self-expression, the coming forth of good and perfect joy of its own being. I begin this day living with joyful anticipation, with ethusiasm. Today I enter into my Divine inheritance, shaking my thought clear from the belief that external conditions are imposed upon me. I declare this day the freedom of my Divine nature.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Word Accomplishes

I am either attracting or repelling according to my mental attitude. I am either identifying myself with lack or with abundance, with love and friendship or with indifference. The Law of Attraction and Repulsion works automatically but our mind directs it. It is like the Law of Reflection, the reflection corresponds to the image held before a mirror. My life is like the mirror, reflecting what my mind places in front of it.

How careful, then, should we be to guard our thoughts, not only seeing to it that we keep away from thoughts of doubt and fear, lack or limitation but accepting only the good and perfect Life that is ours for the asking. I must consciously repel every thought that denies that good.

I know that my word penetrates any unbelief in my mind, casts out all fear, removes doubt, clears away obstacles, permitting only that which is enduring, perfect, and true to be made manifest, demonstrated and realized. I have complete faith(like a child) that all the statements I make will be carried out as I have believed. I do everything with a sense of reliance upon the Law of Good and Perfect(God); therefore, I know that my word shall not return unto me void. I fully expect complete and perfect results from it. My words(thoughts) accomplish what I intend.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I Am Spirit

I believe my body is a temple of the living Spirit of God. It is spiritual substance, therefore my life is spiritual. God is ever present and exist at the very center of my thought. This Presence within me has the power to make all things new.

The Perfect Life of God is in me and pours through every fiber of my being. As the sun dissolves the mist, so my acceptance of Life dissolves all pain and discord. I am free because the Spirit of Life in me is perfect. It remolds and re-creates my body after the likeness of the Divine pattern of body that exists in the Mind of God. Even now as I type these words this living Spirit is flowing through me.

I open wide the doorway of my consciousness to permit my physical body to receive the living Spirit in every action, function, cell, and organ. I know that my whole being manifests the life, love, peace, harmony, strength, and joy of God's Spirit that dwells within me and is incarnated in me. I open my conscious mind to the realization that all the Power and Presence there is clothes me in Its eternal embrace; this Spirit forever imparts Its Life to me. I know that the Spirit within me is my strength and power and I am set free from any worries.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Deep Abiding Peace

I was fortunate in being reared in a home where no religious fears were taught, and where every attempt was made to keep away from superstition and ignorance. It was, however, a religious home, where family prayers were said, the Bible was read daily and grace was said at mealtime. But it was never suggested we fear God or the future. We were in church everytime the doors were open and I grew to love the music of the church, especially the old gospel hymns.

Both my parents demonstrated a child-like faith in a loving God and a devotion to their church. However, my father was different from other men in our little country church. He always expressed a calm and quiet spirit that set him apart from most other men that I knew growing up. You would sense this inner peace that he had. His way of dealing with life seemed very passive and non-resistent. I remember as a young teenager viewing this characteristic manner of my father very negatively, seeing it more as a sign of weakness.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." My father is who Jesus was describing. What seemed like a passive and non-resistent attitude to me as a young man was actually a great strength, a wonderful gift Dad possessed. Being meek or humble in spirit is not a weakness. The meek are those who have awakened to their essential true spiritual nature. The meek are the egoless, people who have learned that ego and self are pure illusion. Blessed are those who awaken to this true nature of consciousness and inherit a deep abiding peace that comes only after you fully embrace and identify completely with the Presence of God. Blessed are those who understand this Truth; It is not about us, it is always about the Life of God in us.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blessed Are The Meek

Jesus lived in a world of spiritual realizations far beyond that of which the average person has any understanding. Jesus discerned things of spiritual truth and as spiritual things must be spiritually understood, man has failed.

Jesus said, "Heaven is right here in the midst of you." Yet man thinks that heaven is a reward received in the afterlife for the righteous soul, a place of mansions and streets of gold, and for the Islamic man there will be many virgins and for the Mormon man, he will become a God over his own planet.

Jesus spoke of a Spiritual Reality that is invisible to the human mind. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes a prediction that to this day few people have understood. He says, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." In modern versions of the Bible, "meek" is translated as humble. Who are the meek or the humble, and what does it mean that they shall inherit the earth?

The meek are those who have awakened to their essential true nature. The meek are the egoless, people who have learned that ego and self is pure illusion, a manifestation of the human brain and thought. Blessed are those who awaken to this true nature of consciousness and recognize the same essence in all "others," all life-forms. They will live in a surrendered state and so feel their oneness with the whole and the Source(God). When life on earth becomes inseparable from the human consciousness that perceives and interacts with the constant Presence of God, then we will undertand what Jesus meant by, "Heaven is right here in the midst of you."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Nature of Consciousness

One of the fiercest debates in science today: the nature of consciousness. In 1991, Pam Reynolds was found to have an aneurism on her brain stem. Faced with a ticking time bomb, she opted for an experimental operation called a "cardiac standstill." The surgeons put her under anesthesia, taped her eyes shut and put molded speakers in her ears that emitted loud clicks about as loud as a jet plane taking off. When her brain no longer responded to those clicks, the surgeons lowered her body temperature to 60 degrees and drained the blood out of her head, like draining oil from the engine of a car. The aneurism sac collapsed for lack of blood. The surgeons then drilled into her skull, snipped the aneurism and sewed it up, and then reintroduced the blood into her body. Finally, they raised her body temperature and brought her back to consciousness.

When Reynolds awakened, she had a story to tell. She said she floated upward and watched part of the operation. She could describe what the operating theater looked like and how many surgeons there were. She could describe the unusual-looking bone saw that cut open her head, as well as the drill bits and blade container. She heard converations, including one in which a female surgeon observed that Reynolds' left femoral vein was too small for a tube, to which the chief neurosurgeon responded, "Try the right side."

Records from the surgery confirmed all these details. Reynolds neurosurgeon says he is flummoxed by the episode: "From a scientific perspective," he says, "I have absolutely no explanation about how it could have happened." Her story raises the question: Was Reynolds' consciousness operating separately from her brain and her physical body?

The Pam Reynolds case experience -- and that of many others -- is prompting researchers at many institutions of higher learning to investigate that astonishing proposition that a person might have a consciousness(a soul)that can operate without the use of the human brain or body.

To actually witness this type of evidence that supports the belief that we maintain an identity independent of the physical body is proof enough for me that our soul is immortal and the personality of the soul continues after death.

Friday, June 19, 2009


I believe that we are not going to attain immortality when we die, but that we are now and have always been immortal! My contention is not that dead men live again, but that a living man never dies. Jesus revealed himself to his followers after his resurrection, to show them that death is but a passing to a higher sphere of life and action. To know that we maintain an identity independent of the physical body is proof enough of immortality.

Every man and woman is an incarnation of God. The soul can no more be lost than God could be lost. We should not believe that just because we have subscribed to some creed, we have thereby purchased a seat in heaven, nor can we believe in any vindictive or malicious power in the universe, which damns us because we have erred through human ignorance. Salvation comes to us through love, an awakening and a rebirth, not through fear and dogma. We exist only in the Life and Mind of God, therefore, it is all about God, not us. Everything else is a manifestation of man and is not true.

I believe in the continuation of the personal life beyond the grave, in the continuity of the individual stream of consciousness with a full recollection of itself. When physical death comes I believe we will remain conscious of who we are and will know others from this life who have passed before. If personality does not persist beyond the grave, then death would be an event to be longed for because this life would have no real meaning, value or worth.

What about reincarnation? I do not believe in the return of the soul to another life on this earthly plane. The spiral of life is upward. Evolution carries us forward, not backward. Eternal and progressive expansion is universal spiritual law and there are no breaks in its continuity. I cannot believe that nature is limited to one sphere of action or plane and I believe that eternal progress never ends. Every person is an unfolding soul, an eternal destiny

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Ralph Waldo Emerson said that, "Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm." The word enthusiasm comes from the ancient Greek--en and theos, meaning God. And the related word enthousiazein means "to be possessed by a god." When you focus with enthusiasm on your dreams you will find that you don't have to do it all by yourself. Sustained enthusiasm brings into existence a wave of creative energy, and all you have to do then is "ride the wave." Enthusiasm brings an enormous empowerment into anything you wish to accomplish. When your belief or objective becomes so energized with passion that you begin to believe you cannot fail, you will succeed. In fact, there is nothing of significance that you can do without enthusiasm. You may recall the truth that Jesus pointed out when he said, "I can of my own self do nothing."

Monday, April 6, 2009

My View

I believe the Power of Life within us all is a spiritual power, able to bring perfect peace, increasing happiness and joy, and greater material abundance to all who embrace this Reality. The things that have made man miserable can be eliminated through the conscious use of this Power. God does not bring fear or hate or impoverishment upon us, because God transcends these things. God does not bring us the Devil or evil in any form, because God transcends these things, as well. If the world is to change, then the world needs a new concept of God; a new idea must be born in the minds of people everywhere about the nature of God and our right relationship to this Divine Creative Spirit, which Abraham called Yahweh.

The only thing that can bring love, joy, peace, and prosperity to this world is a direct experience of the Invisible. You must begin to sense the immediate presence of this Life. With simplicity and directness, you must embrace this Spirit which is at the center of everything that lives. We must learn to recognize that God is at the center of all people and working in human affairs. While it is true that the Power of God is always within us, it is not true that we have always recognized Its Presence or realized Its Power.

For you to create the kind of life you deeply desire you must rely completely on this Inner Power that is God. Knowing this, I find the guidance I seek and the strength I need. With Love in my heart, knowing I am unbound and unlimited, I accept myself as a happy, healthy, strong, and successful person. Fear, doubt, thoughts of limitation and lack are simply an illusion of our mind, as is the idea of self(ego) and all human identity. In Reality, you do not exist except as an individual expression of God in this life.

We have been taught for centuries by most of the religions and philosophies of the world that we are separate from God, and we need them or something to be a bridge to God. The Creator is not separate from Creation. We are One with the Creator. If this was not true, then we would not exist because it is all about God, not us. Jesus said, I am in the Father and the Father is in me.

You and I share the Mind of God where negative and destructive ideas have never existed and never will. Man must reject the idea of a life of duality and separation from the One Source, One Mind, One Reality, One Spirit, One God. This Truth shall set you free!!!!!!!

"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, 'My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.'
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: 'Which wolf wins?'The old Cherokee simply replied, 'The one you feed.'

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Law Of Attraction - Happiness

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs.His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene. One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by.Although the other man could not hear the band - he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days, weeks and months passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed. It faced a blank wall.The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window.The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, 'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.'

Epilogue: There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy.'Today is a gift, that is why it is called The Present.'

Monday, March 30, 2009

God Is My Portion

My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.--Psalm 73:26

I am conscious that the Life and the Intelligence within me is some part of the Universal Spirit of God. Therefore, I know that my mind is one with the Infinite Mind of God. Being one with this Infinite Mind, I am continuously guided and directed, and all my actions are controlled by this Spirit within me.

I know exactly what to do in every situation. Every idea necessary to successful living is brought to my attention. the doorway to ever increasing opportunity for self-expression is ever open before me. I am continuously meeting new and larger experiences. Every day brings some greater good. Every day brings more blessings and greater self-expression. I prosper in everything I do. An abundance of good is mine today.

There is that within me that understands this Truth, that completely accepts It, that remembers freedom, expresses freedom, and anticipates freedom. There is that within me that is completely conscious of its unity with Good(God), of its oneness with all the Power there is, all the Presence of Truth and Love there is, and all the Life there is.

Upon this Power, Presence, and Life I depend with complete certainty. I have absolute inner assurance that Divine Intelligence benefits me in everything I do.

This eternal moment guides me into the fullness of God's Presence and I completely and selflessly embrace It. I feel your Warmth, Goodness, Love, Happiness, Peace, Joy and Abundance in this moment. I ask that these Good and Perfect things be made manifest in my expressed life as it is in your Life. As I have asked, I have received these Good and Perfect things. It is done.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Right Action

A new heart will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.--Ezekiel 36:26

Remaining constantly open to the Love of God within ourselves can produce great results. Though the essence of Love may be elusive, It pervades everything, renewing our soul and uplifting our emotions. We can all live happily, harmoniously, and successfully with one another when each of us practices a conscious acceptance and recognition of the presence of God's Love within ourselves and within everyone. We can overcome the troubles and difficulties that we have allowed to enter our lives when we remember that Love is the creating and sustaining Presence of God within us all.

As I eliminate anger and resentment in my life, the Divine Nature of God fills my soul overflowing freely through every part of me and makes my path only right action. I dismiss all tendency to be angry, fearful, or resentful. In exchange I am filled with faith, love, and trust.