Wednesday, December 16, 2009

God Personified

Theirs was the fullness of heaven and earth; the more that they gave to others, the more they had.--Kwang-Tze

'Tis Love Itself that worketh the one harmony of all. Therefore, let us sing the praise of God.'--Hermes

We are the children of God; and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.--Romans 8:16-17

Jesus said,"Give and to you shall be given." All the great scriptures have announced this central and transcendent truth, realizing that every act carries with it a sequence, bringing the result of this action back to the self. Emerson called it the Law of Compensation, and Jesus proclaimed the same law in his teaching that as we sow, so shall we reap. This is why Kwang-Tze tells us that the more we give to others the more we have. Walt Whitman also refers to this when he says, "The gift is most to the giver and comes back most to him."

We are to view ourselves each in the other and behold God in all. Hermes tells us that when we realize Love as the great harmony, we shall all sing the praise of God. Before we can do this we must perceive this harmony in one another and in everything. Thus, everything that seems separated is actually united at the root.

Today I see God in everything, personified in all people, made manifest in every event and experience. I believe that the Spirit of God is never separated from the person or the event/experience. Today I recognize that I, too, am an instrument of God's perfection, and today I recognize my union, which is perfect, good and complete.

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