Thursday, September 10, 2009

Acquanted With God

The world is mine, and the fulness thereof.--Psalm 59:12

The Spirit of God, which is Life, is present everywhere. Like the air we breathe, It presses against us. On the mountaintop, in the valley, in the desert, and in the ocean--there is no place where Life(God) is not. Therefore, whatever direction I move in, I move in God. In God I live, move, and have my being. I exist only in the Life of God, nowhere else.

For years I struggled with the concept of one universal and all-encompassing Power that is in everything, energizing and animating everything. How can this be? My endeavor, then, became not so much to find God or to discover the Divine Source of my own life and being, but it became an obsession of mine to be acquanted with God and to grasp what little my mind would accept and comprehend. I believe that God is one undivided and indivisible Whole, One Divine and Spiritual Presence and One universal and all-encompassing entity and we exist in the midst of all of this.

Today, I commune with the Spirit of God that is present in the words that I type. I know that God's Presence presses against me and flows through me this very moment. My desire is to continuously feel this Presence as a living reality in my life. Today, knowing that the Divine Presence is in everyone, I sense this Spirit in everyone I meet. I keep my consciousness open and alert that I may better understand the union of all life with its pure and perfect Source.

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