Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Think And Create

With God all things are possible.--Matthew 19:26

Emerson said there is One Mind common to all people, which means that the Mind of all human beings is the One Mind, which each uses. Therefore, the Mind you use is the Mind I use. It is the Mind everyone uses. It is the Mind of God, and because the Mind of God is a complete unity, It is omnipresent. Therefore, the Mind you use is the God-Mind in you. This Mind is in all people, envelops all, and is at the center of everything.
This Mind, which is God, permeates every atom of your being. It is the governing Principle in every organ of your body. It is the Principle of Perfection within you and all life. Your thought is the activity of this Principle.
The final creativeness of the universe is a movement of Intelligence within and upon Itself. This Intelligence already exists at the center of our own being. It really is our own being, and the very power of imagination that we exercise is this Intelligence functioning at the level of our comprehension of IT. The Mind within us is the Mind of God. Since our mind is some part of the Mind of God, there is a place within us where we are universal, where we use Universal Power. To affirm the presence of good in our life is to use the Power within us for the creation of that good we affirm.
We have the possibility within us, for the Mind within us is God. We must accept our freedom, announce our liberty, and proclaim our Divine birthright. Whatever we believe to be true about God, we must declare to be the truth about ourself. We must know that the Power within us, which is God, is establishing right action in our life.
Affirmation: I live in the world of my own creation. Knowing that thinking is creative opens the doorway to wisdom and power. That doorway is already within me. Somewhere within me the Mind of God reveals this truth, that I was born free and that the will of God for me is one of goodness, truth, abundance and beauty. I rejoice that at last I am awakening to this realization of Truth. I have the power to use the Mind within me in any good and perfect way I see fit. I use my authority to create beauty, peace, and joy.

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