There exist in every person this hope, this belief in the immortality of his own being, and there is something about every living soul that knows he is made of immortal stuff, that there is no death. But eternity is not some far-off event--"Beloved, now are we the sons of God." As Jesus demonstrated in his words and deeds, immortality is at hand. It is today that I enter into a complete realization of my immortal being.
Today I sense that every person is as eternal as God. Today I know that all humanity is clothed with resurrection. Immortality is at hand and I must experience it. Therefore, I let go of every belief that would deny me the privilege of entering into my immortal state here and now. I live as an immortal Being and I shall not fear death because it is not real. Today, realizing there is nothing in my past that can rise against me, nothing in my future that can menace the unfoldment of my experience, life will be an eternal adventure, an unfolding experience of greater and better experiences. Evolution is onward, upward, forward, outward, expansive. Today I exult in this abundant life. I revel in the contemplation of the immeasurable future, the path of eternal progress, the everlastingness of my own being, the ongoingness of my soul, the daily renewed energy and action of that divinity within me, which has forever set the stamp of individualized Being on my mind.
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