Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Think And Create

With God all things are possible.--Matthew 19:26

Emerson said there is One Mind common to all people, which means that the Mind of all human beings is the One Mind, which each uses. Therefore, the Mind you use is the Mind I use. It is the Mind everyone uses. It is the Mind of God, and because the Mind of God is a complete unity, It is omnipresent. Therefore, the Mind you use is the God-Mind in you. This Mind is in all people, envelops all, and is at the center of everything.
This Mind, which is God, permeates every atom of your being. It is the governing Principle in every organ of your body. It is the Principle of Perfection within you and all life. Your thought is the activity of this Principle.
The final creativeness of the universe is a movement of Intelligence within and upon Itself. This Intelligence already exists at the center of our own being. It really is our own being, and the very power of imagination that we exercise is this Intelligence functioning at the level of our comprehension of IT. The Mind within us is the Mind of God. Since our mind is some part of the Mind of God, there is a place within us where we are universal, where we use Universal Power. To affirm the presence of good in our life is to use the Power within us for the creation of that good we affirm.
We have the possibility within us, for the Mind within us is God. We must accept our freedom, announce our liberty, and proclaim our Divine birthright. Whatever we believe to be true about God, we must declare to be the truth about ourself. We must know that the Power within us, which is God, is establishing right action in our life.
Affirmation: I live in the world of my own creation. Knowing that thinking is creative opens the doorway to wisdom and power. That doorway is already within me. Somewhere within me the Mind of God reveals this truth, that I was born free and that the will of God for me is one of goodness, truth, abundance and beauty. I rejoice that at last I am awakening to this realization of Truth. I have the power to use the Mind within me in any good and perfect way I see fit. I use my authority to create beauty, peace, and joy.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I Am Made Whole

The spirit of God hath made me.--Job 33:4

Divine Perfection is already within us. Being forever perfect and complete, we need no reunion with God, because God already is in our every act, every thought, every movement; God is in our every plan, purpose, and performance. The Divine Presence within us creates every circumstance and situation we have ever experienced. We have called these circumstances and situations things in themselves, but they have never been. They have been the fruition of our thought, and our thought has always been dominated by our beliefs.
By our use of the law of freedom, we create either bondage or liberty--not that bondage really exists, but the possibility of using freedom in a limited way does exists. If limitation were a thing in itself we could not change it, but since it is merely an experience, why not use our imagination to enlarge that experience? When we do this we will find the Life Principle that God creates within us responds just as quickly to a broader outline. Whatever we mentally see and spiritually comprehend, we may objectively experience.
Today my eyes are open more widely and I look out upon a broader horizon. Across all the experiences I may have had that were limited or unpleasant I now see them in a different light. Letting go of that which is little, I now enter into a larger concept of life. Dropping all fear, I entertain faith. Realizing that every form of uncertainty is seeing only in part, I open my spiritual eyes to that which is wholeness, which is greater and better.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I Release Every Tension

Today I release all thoughts of fear from my mind. Today I lay down the burden of carrying the load of responsibility of life for myself or for others. Today I relax all sense of strain. I remember that Emerson said, "The universe remains at heart unhurt"; that Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled." I know that I live under the government of good and am guided by Spirit. Therefore, I lay all trouble aside, seeking to look through it, beyond it, above it; to detach it from the realm of Reality, to separate it from any consciousness that belongs to me or to anyone else, regardless of what any problem of the moment seems to be.
I align myself with the powers of good and of right action. I abide in perfect and complete faith in God as my ever-present good. I take up no arms to fight the negative. I turn from all fear; turn joyfully and resolutely to faith, realizing that light is immune to darkness, that the night has no power over the day, that dawn dissipates the shadows of midnight. I turn my attention to the Light Eternal, without struggle, realizing that that Light, shining through the dark places of my consciousness, will dissipate them and that I will walk in that Light in which there is no darkness. Not only will I walk in this Light, I will radicate it. I will impart it to others. I will remember the saying, "Let your light so shine before men that they, seeing your good works, shall glorify your Father which art in heaven." I will remember that the Father which art in heaven is in that heaven that is within me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Knowing that the Word of God is the Law of God, holding my consciousness high to the inspiration of the Spirit, I believe that, since the Law of the Lord is perfect, my faith becomes this Law operating in my affairs.
The Divine Presence within me works for me, throughme. Therefore, whatsoever things I or have need of, that is done. Since all things are possible to God, which is the universal Spirit, all things also must be possible to you and me, since we are individualized centers of this universal Spirit.
I know that Life gives to me according to my faith. Therefore, I elevate my faith. I lift up my mind. I engage the attention of the Spirit that It may flow through me with inspiration. I listen deeply to that still, small voice that evermore proclaims, "Behold I make all things new." Today I am made glad in my recognition of the Divine Presence. I am made strong in my recognition of the Divine Power. I am at peace in the recognition of the Divine Security.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Word Is Creative

I identify myself with the more abundant life. I think of those things that make for peace. I dwell in the unity that underlies all life. Because I am at peace and poised in the realization that I live in pure Spirit, new power is born in me.Realizing that all power is ordained of God and sustained by the Spirit of God and knowing that my word is the Law of Spirit in my life, I realize that my word is creative. Therefore, I speak that word in quiet confidence and with complete faith.
There is no need or want or lack in my life, for my consciousness places no limitation on the Divine will of God to give me my heart's desire. I know that all my needs are fulfilled from that Eternal Source, the Kingdom of God, which is ever present. My desire is now fulfilled and my experience enriched, and that which I have, I give. The One Life within me is mighty to heal. I recognize that the Divine Spirit that flows through me is really the presence of Love. The words I speak, I speak from a consciousness of this indwelling Power and I speak into the creative, loving, intelligent, all powerful Mind of God.

Affirmation: I ask that only Good and Perfect things be made manifest in my life experience this day and everyday. Things like love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, kindness, wisdom, knowledge and understanding, healing all around, generosity, compassion....I receive these Good and Perfect things from the Kingdom of God which is ever present.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Divine Origin

I believe there is but one Spirit in which everyone lives, moves, and has his being. In this Spirit I am directly unified with all people. I recognize this Spirit of God as individualized in everyone; therefore, I am learning to see every person I meet in the light of this divine and changeless truth.

I recognize that my unity with all humankind is of divine origin. Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches."--John 15:5

There is one Spirit diffused through all humanity. With this Spirit in everyone I hold communion. In a handclasp I feel the warmth and color of God's Spirit. In the exchange of thought I feel the presence and the activity of the Divine Mind. In the blessing of friendship I sense Its love.

I am separated from none, united with all, and one with the Eternal Light Itself. As I go among people I know that the presence of pure Spirit within me, which I recognize, blesses everyone I meet, tends to heal everything I touch, brings gladness into the life of everyone I contact. Therefore, I am a blessing to myself, to humankind, and to every day I experience.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Immortality At Hand

I live as an immortal being. The stamp of individuality is eternal, according to Ernest Holmes. Emerson said that nothing is dead; human beings feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals and mournful obituaries, and there they stand looking out of a window, sound and well, in some new and strange disguise.

There exist in every person this hope, this belief in the immortality of his own being, and there is something about every living soul that knows he is made of immortal stuff, that there is no death. But eternity is not some far-off event--"Beloved, now are we the sons of God." As Jesus demonstrated in his words and deeds, immortality is at hand. It is today that I enter into a complete realization of my immortal being.
Today I sense that every person is as eternal as God. Today I know that all humanity is clothed with resurrection. Immortality is at hand and I must experience it. Therefore, I let go of every belief that would deny me the privilege of entering into my immortal state here and now. I live as an immortal Being and I shall not fear death because it is not real. Today, realizing there is nothing in my past that can rise against me, nothing in my future that can menace the unfoldment of my experience, life will be an eternal adventure, an unfolding experience of greater and better experiences. Evolution is onward, upward, forward, outward, expansive. Today I exult in this abundant life. I revel in the contemplation of the immeasurable future, the path of eternal progress, the everlastingness of my own being, the ongoingness of my soul, the daily renewed energy and action of that divinity within me, which has forever set the stamp of individualized Being on my mind.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Fear Nothing

Ever follow that which is good.--1 Thessalonians 5:15

In the name of good, I unify myself with the Divine Presence of God. Fear has no place in my being. God is not afraid of anything. The Divine Mind has no enemies. The Spirit of God knows no opposites or equals. As I consciously draw close to this Divine Center and Source of all being, I feel the radiation of Its warmth and color.

I enter into that faith made perfect through love and confidence, that assurance made complete by the abandonment of myself to the Divine, acknowledging good in all my ways, desiring only the good for others, refusing to accept evil as a part of the Divine Kingdom of God. I rest in calm assurance. Peace, poise, and power belong to my life, my reality. Joy and love are gifts from On High, gifts that I gladly acknowledge and enthusiastically accept, knowing that the gift is not to me alone but is the gift of Life to all that lives. I gladly share my good, scattering it everywhere. Knowing that everything is love, I gladly give myself to life, to the joy of living.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Divine Plan

For we are laborers together with God: you are God's field, you are God's building.--1 Corinthians 3:9

My thought is a gateway to illumination. I know that the Spirit within me is my strength and power. I approach life with a sense of security and well-being. I know that I have a secret source in God. I know that my thought is the gateway to such illumination. It is the secret place of the most High within me from which comes inspiration, creativity, guidance and wisdom. Therefore, I accept the fullness of this moment. I accept life as a glorious experience, a spiritual adventure.

I believe in myself because I first believe in God. I believe in my purpose and destiny because I first believe that the law of good is operating through me. I have a calm confidence in the future, a keen and enthusiastic expectation of good things to come.

I open my whole consciousness to the realization that all the power and presence there is surrounds me in an eternal embrace, that the Spirit of God forever imparts Its own Life to me, forever flows through me into happiness, success, and well-being.

Knowing that I cannot live unto myself alone, but that I am part of all Life, I gladly and enthusiastically unify with people, conditions, and events, flowing into them with the certain knowledge that I belong to the universe in which I live, that this universe belongs to me, that I am a part of it, necessary to it, one with it.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why Not Ask

I ask, certain that I shall receive. In fact Jesus said to "Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."--Matthew 7:7

"Ask, and it shall be given unto you" is one of the greatest promises of the ages and has within it the greatest possibility ever experienced by the mind of man. Surely this implies that there is a power that can and will honor our request. God withholds nothing with us.

Whatever we ask for in the name of our Reality, the reality of our existence in the Life and Mind of God, we shall most certainly receive. However, the request must be consistent with the true nature of God which is Love, Beauty, Truth and Goodness. What is this that we seek other than our true union with God? Where is the door that must be opened other than in our own consciousness? It is the door of acceptance, faith, and confidence. How can we receive that which the mind refuses to entertain?

Affirmation: I believe and I accept with thanksgiving. Therefore, today I ask and know that I shall receive. I seek and know that I shall find. Today I knock and know that it shall be opened unto me. I receive the gift of Life in all its fullness.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pure Spirit

The flow of pure Spirit always pervades my consciousness and my physical body. Realizing that God is the animating essence of all life, that God withholds nothing from me, I prepare myself for a life of joy, love, accomplishment, health, and well-being. I permit myself to believe in the divine freedom that is made manifest in my life.

Affirmation: Today I hold my thought steadfast in the realization that Divine Life is flowing through this very moment. I believe in the fullness of the bounty of God. There can be no lack in Spirit. Spirit now inspires me in everything I do, say, and think.

I know that the Law of Good(God) keeps me in perfect activity, surrounds me with love and friendship, and causes me to experience the joy of living. It causes me to impart to everyone I meet an atmosphere of confidence and faith that uplifts and enlightens.

Today I permit the flow of pure Spirit to enter my consciousness, to radiate in my environment, to bless everything I touch, to make whole that which is weak, to turn fear into faith, and to accomplish the miracle of love.

Friday, September 5, 2008

One Reality

"Divine Mind is the one and only reality."--Charles Fillmore

Some of the greatest teachers and avatars have described the Universe by saying that all that exists is the One Universal Mind, and there is nowhere that the One Mind is not. It exists in everything. The One Mind and Life of God is all intelligence, all wisdom, and all perfection, and it is in everything and everywhere at the same time. If everything is the One Universal Mind, and the whole of it exists everywhere, then it also exist in you and me! Right?

Quantum mechanics confirms it. Quantum cosmology confirms it. That the Universe essentially emerges from thought and all of this matter around us is just precipitated thought. In the earliest account of creation in the Bible we are told that God willed everything into existence. The Mind of God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. The idea of light, the heavens, the earth, and everything else was first formed as thought in the Universal Mind of God before it took form and became our reality that we experience today.

Affirmation: I believe that there is One Mind, One Spirit and the Life of God is all that exist. I exist in the Life and Mind of God and the Life and Spirit of God exist in me. Today I embrace fully the Life of God living in and thru me and in all creation. In this moment, this day and everyday, only Good and Perfect things are coming into my reality...love, peace, joy, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, confidence, money, success, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, creativity, music, friendship, relationships, harmony, laughter, generosity, kindness, spiritual healing and compassion for others. As I speak these words and affirm these thoughts at the highest level of my consciousness, I am speaking directly into the Mind of God and God hears my prayer. My words will not return unto me void!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Divine Guidance

I believe that the Mind of God governs all things. I believe that God's Intelligence in the midst of us is governing and guiding, counseling and advising, causing us to know what to do under every circumstance and at all times, if we will but trust It. Therefore, every problem has a right solution, and we may turn to the infinite source of all knowledge and wisdom for the answer. In our human ignorance, we often make unwise decisions, but there is nothing that God cannot set right, if we permit Him to do so.

If we will but take our personal problem to a high place in our consciousness, it will disappear as the answer to it takes its place. Jesus said, whatever your heart desires, ask and it shall be given unto you. The answer to any problem we might face is there for the asking. Could it be any more clear?

Affirmation: Since the whole secret of Divine Guidance lies in the ability to accept it, today I affirm that I do accept it. I do believe that the Spirit goes before and prepares the way. I do know that every thought and act is governed and guided by a superior Intelligence which is God. I surrender all to this Divine Guidance in me.

Today is a Good and Perfect day in the Life of God which I am a part of; I ask that only Good and Perfect things, as it is perfected in Heaven, be made manifest in my life this day and every day: Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness, Perfect Health, Wealth and Prosperity, Money, Success, Confidence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Creativity, Harmony, Friendship, Generosity, Compassion...I receive these Good and Perfect things in my life this day with joy and a thankful heart.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This is a picture of my grandbaby, Maeve, at 20 weeks in her mother's womb and below is Maeve at 13 months enjoying a fun bubble bath. Every form of life is conceived first in the Mind of God and made manifest in our existence. Believing that the mind of God is ever-present, that Divine Intelligence is always available, I open my consciousness to Its guidance. Realizing that my attention must not be divided between believing and doubting, I carefully guard my mental reactions, seeking always to keep them affirmative, to keep them open to that which is constructive.

I keep my mind steadfast and loyal to the thought that I am governed by Divine Intelligence, which always knows what I ought to think and do and how I should do it. I feel that I am compelled to make right and constructive decisions, that I am impelled to right action, that there is something within me that always knows how to think and how to act.

Affirmation: Daily I reassure myself of this divine fact and affirm that the Intelligence that governs all things governs me; that the Life that flows through everything flows through me; that there is One Mind, which is God, that this Mind is my mind. I believe that this Mind is the source of inspiration as well as energy and action as well as illumination. Therefore, I know that at all times I have a silent, invisible partner walking with me, talking with me, cooperating with me. I keep my mind open to guidance. I let that Mind be in me that was also in Christ.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 2:5

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Realizing that all action starts with and is a result of consciousness, I prepare my mind to receive the best that life has to offer. Mentally I associate myself with that which is good, beautiful, and happy. I am increasingly aware of the One Presence, the One Life, and the One Spirit, which is God.

Believing that it is the Divine Intention for everyone to live an abundant life, I consciously align myself with the outpouring of Spirit. Accepting that all things are possible to the one who has faith. I daily increase my expectancy. I broaden my vision to include the greater good for myself and others. I cultivate faith, keeping my consciousness open to an increasing awareness of my union with good.

Affirmation: Today I expect an increase. Today I expect greater joy, more happiness, deeper peace, and a more complete sense of Divine Power. Today I meet everyone with the understanding that he or she is a part of the Divine Order. Today I gladly and joyfully enter into the inheritance of the Kingdom of Good(God).

I know that I have life, that I have intelligence, that I live by faith and am part of the One Divine Being. Therefore, I accept this life fully, that I live in this good now.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Attract Only Good

There is a law of attraction and repulsion that works atomatically. It is like the law of reflection where the reflection corresponds with the image held in front of the mirror. Emerson said that we see what we animate and that we animate what we see. Jesus proclaimed that it is done unto us as we believe. This remarkable spiritual genius even went so far as to say that when we feel the need of anything, or desire it, we should pray for it and in the act of our prayer we should mentally receive the object of our desire as though it already exists.

My prayer, today, then, is one of affirmation and acceptance. I lift my cup of acceptance, knowing there is Divine outpouring that fills it to the brim. If my cup appears to remain empty, I neither condemn myself nor lose confidence in Life. Rather I more carefully scrutinize my own thinking, turning away from that which denies my good.

Thou shalt make me full of joy.--Acts 2:28