Whatever is true of God is true of our life, since our life and the Life of God are not two, but One. There have been many enlightened, including Jesus, who have proclaimed this unity of good, this oneness of human beings with God. For this reason many have spoke of this Life within us as both personal and impersonal; impersonal from the standpoint that It is universal; personal from the standpoint that this Universal Life Principle is personified in us as it was also manifested in the life of Jesus. I'm probably making some of you uncomfortable with that statement, but hear me out! This Life within us, being God, did not begin and It cannot end; hence, we are immortal and eternal. When the Life of God leaves our life in this human body, what is left? A pile of decaying skin, bone and body tissue that has no life of it's own. We can never be less, but must forever be more ourselves as this Life within us unfolds through our experience, through our gathering of knowledge and our accumulating of wisdom. Evolution is the drawing out of the God-Principle already latent within us. It is this God-Principle within us to which Jesus referred when he said, “Before Abraham was, I am.”
Affirmation: I believe that the Spirit within me, which is God, makes perfect and peaceful the way before me. In this faith and knowledge I discover a great peace of mind, a deep sense of belonging, a complete realization that God is right where I am. I put my whole trust in God and feel an intimate relationship with the Presence and Power that controls everything.
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