Love is more than a sentiment. It is a need, a hunger, a thirst that is perfectly natural. Anyone who thinks he can live and be happy without it does not know what he is talking about—psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually. Love is the beginning and end, the impulse in nature that will not be denied. Think beyond the individual to the only source of all life. I believe that the whole of creation is sustained by the giving nature of the Creative Spirit of God—to the delight of God’s own being. Love is the principle of that Life, for it is the nature of everything to give. Only the one who loves so much that there is no longer any room for hate will ever arrive at the place where, if there may be hate, he will never know it. Jesus knew of this place, few others have found it. We are afraid of greatness because we are so tied down to littleness. None of us is as perfect in expression as we ought to be. So the challenge to each of us is to be great enough to rise in love, in charity, through understanding and compassion, not allowing hate in any form to enter our thinking.
Affirmation: I respond lovingly to all persons. Recognizing that the spiritual life is my real life, I surround myself with love and with people who love. I believe this is the key to joyous living. As I live and have my being in the Life of God, I ask that only Good and Perfect things be made manifest in my life this day: Love, Joy, Peace, Happiness!
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