I withdraw my thoughts and words from the world of confusion and realize that in the One Universal Mind, which is the Mind of God, there is quiet, peace and order. This is my Reality. It matters not that in the shadow world of form there is a sense of futility, insecurity and despair. I know that the Life I live is one of Peace, Joy, Happiness, Love, Strength and Power. I know that in this consciousness of Reality, is the supply for my every need--physical, mental, or spiritual--and I accept that supply in deepest gratitude.
I come to this great Fountain of Supply and Abundance, in the very center of my being, to absorb that for which I have need, mentally and physically, and I am filled with a joyous sense of the Reality of that which I desire. As this Reality is accepted more and more by my thoughts and words, I know that It brings peace and harmony and order all around me and flows out into the lives I touch. Where I am, there is peace, order, joy, harmony for I am One with Reality. Where I am, God is also.
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