Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Realization of Truth
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I believe in every person there is this hope, this belief in the immortality of his own being, and there is something about every living soul that knows he is made of immortal stuff, that there is no death. But eternity is not some far-off event, remember, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God." It is today that I enter into a complete realization of my immortal being.
Today I sense that every person is as eternal as God. Today I know that all humanity is clothed with resurrection. Immortality is at hand and I must experience it. I must live as an immortal Being and I will deny any belief in me that does not allow me to experience eternity in this moment, in this day.
Today, realizing there is nothing in my past that can rise against me, nothing in my future that can menace the unfoldment of my experience, life will be an eternal adventure, an unfolding experience of greater and better experiences. Evolution is onward, upward, forward, outward, expansive and always changing and adapting. I live in this abundant life and I am in awe in comtemplating the immeasurable future, my path of eternal progress and growth. I am blessed to be awaken to this eternal Truth.
Monday, September 21, 2009
All Things
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Divine Mind Pervades Everything
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Fullness of Life
I enter into that faith made perfect through love and confidence, that assurance made complete by the abandonment of myself to the Divine Life of God, acknowleging good in all my ways, desiring only Good and Perfect things in my life and in others. I refuse to accept evil as a part of the Divine Kingdom. I rest today in calm assurance that I have nothing to fear.
Peace, beauty, poise, and power belong to this kingdom where I dwell. I gladly acknowlege and enthusiastically accept gifts of joy, peace, happiness and love from upon High, knowing that the gifts are not to me alone but is the gift of Life to all that lives. Today knowing that I am set free by this Truth and knowing that everything is love(God's true nature), I gladly give myself to life, to the joy of living. This day I affirm that all thoughts I may have ever held regarding fear, uncertainty, doubt, lack or limitation are total dispelled and cleansed from my conscious and subconsious thoughts. My true reality is made manifest out of the Life of God where only love, joy, peace, happiness, perfect health, wealth, prosperity, abundance, and goodness exist.