Monday, February 23, 2009

Life Responds To You

There is a Law of Life that operates through your affirmation. Nothing can hinder Its working but yourself. There is no more of It on the desert floor than there is on the busiest street corner, and It will not respond any more quickly because we go up into the temple, the church or a synagogue. It is everywhere; therefore, It is where you are, and, most of all, It responds where you recognize It.

Your recognition makes possible Its response through you. This is the secret of faith. Do you believe in what you believe? Faith is the supreme affirmation. It is the unconditioned affirmation. It is the affirmation that makes all things possible to the one who believes in the Power of God. Know that nothing can hinder you but yourself. If you believe you can, you can. You cannot fail if you start with the proposition that the Life of God in you is all there is. It is the creation and substance of every form. As the invisible, It is the cause. As the visible, It is the effect.

Right now I move from fear to faith. I let go of all doubt, distrust, worry, and fear. I change the direction of my life by focusing my thoughts on God, the Life within me, everyone, and everything. I have supreme faith in the Power of God to still the troubled waters and make the crooked places straight.

Affirmation: Today I am so thankful to be awakened to the Presence of God in me. I ask you this day and every day that only good and perfect things be made manifest in my life. Love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, goodness, kindness, confidence, success, money, wisdom, understanding, passion, generosity, opportunities to learn and grow, creativity, focus, humor, music and laughter are made manifest in my life and I receive with a grateful heart! Fear, self, doubt, lack or limitation is an illusion and is removed from any of my conscious thoughts this day. My Reality today is made good and perfect as it is in the Life and Mind of God.

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