Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pray If You Believe

1. Recognition - Consciously acknowledge, in your own words, the All-ness and Wholeness of God. Try to sense God's deep abiding Presence and feel the warmth.

I embrace your Presence in me. I know that you are closer to me in this moment than my own breath. For you are my breath and my Life. I recognize you in everything that I am or will ever be. I feel your warmth, your goodness, your love, your joy, your happiness and your perfect peace being made manifest in my life in this moment. I am completely immersed and covered by your Spirit.

2. Unity - Be confident in your knowledge of the Truth about yourself: that you are one with God....that you are not all God is, but all that you are is God.

There is One God, One Spirit, and One Mind. There is nothing else! This Truth saves me, sets me free! I know that I exist only in the Spirit and Life of God and this same Spirit and Life is in me. There is unity throughout all creation and nothing exist outside the Life of God.

3. Realization - Form the conscious thought and feeling about the good you desire and ask, realizing that it has been received. The more complete the realization, your perception of Spiritual Truth, the more clear and complete will be the manifestation of your prayers.

I now realize that you are the source and at the center of everything. All Good and Perfect things come from you. I ask this day, in this moment, that only Good and Perfect things of your Life be made manifest and demonstrated in my life. I receive from you love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, forgiveness, mercy, kindness, creativity, laughter, music, wisdom, understanding, and great passion for living and loving my life. As I have asked, all these Good and Perfect things are now realized, accepted and received. It is done!

4. Thanksgiving - express your gratitude for knowing the manifestation of your prayers have been received and accept it's demonstration.

I have received these gifts with a grateful heart and I am thankful, knowing that what I have asked for has already been made manifest.

5. Release - Clearly, and completely, release your words to the power and action of the Law(God withholds nothing to you). Know with great confidence that as you have spoken, it is now done. Release is very important!

As I have spoken these words into the Mind of God, my words are given power unto the Law where as everything I have asked for and more has been given. My faith is in you and there is no other power that sustains me and provides for my every need and desire. amen

Monday, February 23, 2009

Life Responds To You

There is a Law of Life that operates through your affirmation. Nothing can hinder Its working but yourself. There is no more of It on the desert floor than there is on the busiest street corner, and It will not respond any more quickly because we go up into the temple, the church or a synagogue. It is everywhere; therefore, It is where you are, and, most of all, It responds where you recognize It.

Your recognition makes possible Its response through you. This is the secret of faith. Do you believe in what you believe? Faith is the supreme affirmation. It is the unconditioned affirmation. It is the affirmation that makes all things possible to the one who believes in the Power of God. Know that nothing can hinder you but yourself. If you believe you can, you can. You cannot fail if you start with the proposition that the Life of God in you is all there is. It is the creation and substance of every form. As the invisible, It is the cause. As the visible, It is the effect.

Right now I move from fear to faith. I let go of all doubt, distrust, worry, and fear. I change the direction of my life by focusing my thoughts on God, the Life within me, everyone, and everything. I have supreme faith in the Power of God to still the troubled waters and make the crooked places straight.

Affirmation: Today I am so thankful to be awakened to the Presence of God in me. I ask you this day and every day that only good and perfect things be made manifest in my life. Love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, goodness, kindness, confidence, success, money, wisdom, understanding, passion, generosity, opportunities to learn and grow, creativity, focus, humor, music and laughter are made manifest in my life and I receive with a grateful heart! Fear, self, doubt, lack or limitation is an illusion and is removed from any of my conscious thoughts this day. My Reality today is made good and perfect as it is in the Life and Mind of God.

Friday, February 20, 2009


And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.--Matthew 6:12

When Jesus spoke these words and also told us that we should not judge lest we be judged, he was stating the action of the law of cause and effect. If we wish a complete clearance from any sense of condemnation about ourselves, we must first be certain that we have released all condemnation of others from our own mind and heart. When we do this we see others in a new light and, begin looking beyond, reaching past all judgement and criticism which allows us to establish a relationship between the Spirit of God that is within them and the same Spirit that is within us, for God is One in all people.

Knowing that God must be at the center of everything, and realizing that God's Love is the great motivating power of life, today I know I am meeting this God, this Life, in everyone and seeing the manifestation of Love in everything. This day, if there is any condemnation or animosity or critical attitude in me, I gladly loose it. I loose it and let it go as I turn to that silent Presence within me that gives all and withholds nothing.

Giving and receiving, loving and being loved, I rejoice with all creation that One Presence fulfills and sustains everything. I now enter into the harmony of eternal perfect peace, into the joy of knowing that I am now in the heart and kingdom of God, from which no person is excluded. My yesterdays are gone forever, my tomorrows stretch forth into an endless future of pure perfect joy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Inauguration Day

President Obama Inauguration Day - Washington, D. C.
Panoramic Picture:

I found my sister, Sandra!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do You See Divine Presence

The best way to make friends is to realize that we meet Life in everyone. The Life of God in us meets the Life of God in others. Proclaiming the Divine Presence, believing in It, we shall meet It and see It in everyone. Love will find that perfect way. Our faith in the Divine Presence of God in others will overcome the fear of being misunderstood or hurt. If the mind is calm and serene, there will be less liability toward pain. We should try at all times to be serene and poised. My father was like this even toward the end of his life. He always tried to see the good in every person and I never heard him say a critical word toward any one person.

We decide whether we shall live in fear or in faith. Let us decide to live in faith. Let us learn to practice faith until all fear disappears, until life ceases to be a funeral dirge and becomes a song of joy. To find perfect peace in the midst of confusion, we must realize that at our center exist the pure Spirit of God. It helps me to remember that in the Life of God, where I live and exist, there is no fear, no thought of lack or limitation, doubt or uncertainty. This is my true Reality.

Today, I know that God is within me. I know that the Spirit within me is perfect. I acknowledge and embrace this Presence in me, around me and through me and I am at peace and secure in God's protection. The presence of Love uplifts me and lights my life today. In faith, I ask that only Good and Perfect things be made manifest in my life as they are in the Life of God. Love, joy, perfect peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, well being, success, confidence, money, generosity, friendship, kindness, passion, creativity, music, laughter and harmony, I receive these Good and Perfect things with a grateful heart in this moment of eternity.