Divine Intelligence directs my faith and makes perfect and plain the way before me. --Ernest Holmes
But we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory.--1 Corinthians 2:7-8
The person who is happy within, who rejoiceth within, who is illumined within, that Yogi, becoming the Eternal, goeth to the Peace of the Eternal.--The Bhagavad-Gita
The hidden wisdom of God is the knowledge that we are one with the Divine Being. This wisdom, which is hidden from us until we perceive our fundamental unity with Reality, is clearly revealed when we seek the Eternal in everything. The masters who have penetrated the mystery of life that so often eludes the intellect are those who with utmost simplicity have found direct approach to the Supreme Reality of God at the center of their own being. The Bhagavad-Gita tells us that we must become the Eternal if we wish to enter into the peace of Eternal. This has an identical meaning with the saying of Jesus that we must be perfect even as God in us is perfect. This calls for the recognition of the Spirit as an indwelling Presence, as well as overshadowing Power.
The road to self-discovery often calls for the clearing away of the underbrush of ignorance, fear, superstition, and a sense of isolation that has made us feel that we were unworthy, unholy, and lost. In the providence of God, salvation through a human sacrifice is unnecessary but self-discovery is essential. We can not save that which is lost; we merely discover that which needs to be found.
I know that God is within me and within you and I know that this Divine Spirit is perfect. I enter into Its peace and I am secure in a sense of Its protection. Love will guide and God's Intelligence will direct me. The power of the Infinite will sustain and uphold, as well as direct. The unerring judgement of Divine Intelligence directs my faith and makes perfect and plain the way before me.
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