Monday, October 20, 2008

My Father's God

If you carry a light into a darkened room, the darkness is dissipated without effort on our part. So it is the experience of one who has a deep consciousness of Life. This was George J. Dunagan, my father. I never heard him utter a critical word about anyone. You would feel better by just sitting in his presence. Something invisible but all-penetrating flowed through his every look and gesture. He always greeted you with that big smile and you honestly felt that he cared about you. In his latter years when I would go visit him and ask him how he was doing he'd reply with a big smile, "I'm trying to stay sober" or he'd say, "I'm sober as a judge." The truth being that he never drink but he knew I did.

Understand that the Divine Spirit of God is not a mythical, mystical, abstract being, living somewhere above the Earth sitting on a throne watching the human drama of mankind unfold. God is a Divine Presence revealing Himself to everyone who believes. Where God is recognized, there is Life. Where the power of God is realized, there is action. Where the goodness of God is acknowledged, there is peace. My father knew this peace.

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