Thursday, November 19, 2009


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.--Hebrews 11:1

Faith is more than an objective statement. We do not have perfect faith while any subjective contradictions deny the affirmations of our lips or our thoughts. This is why the Bible tells us that we must know in our heart. Heart symbolizes the innermost center of our being.

When the intellect is no longer contradicted by my emotional reactions, by unconscious doubts and fears, then the word of my mouth will immediately bear fruit.

Today I have faith that my word shall not return unto me void. Today I surrender myself completely to this faith, for I know that there is a creative Spirit that gives substance to this faith and that will provide the evidence of this substance in actual manifestations. I expect good and perfect things and I rejoice in the anticipation of this good and perfect manifestations in my life. Faith operates through an immutable Law of God and that there is no possibility whatsoever of its failing.

Today, by faith, I ask and I receive only good and perfect things like love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, and passion for loving to be made manifest in my life. I see and I embrace the Presence of God in everything and everyone.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.--Psalm 37:5

It is written that the Law of the Lord is perfect; therefore, when I commit my ways unto the Lord, I am automatically using this perfect Law, even in the most trivial things of life. To this Law, there is neither great nor small. It is always responding to me by corresponding with my mental attitude toward It. As my mental attitude can be consciously controlled, I know that I can always make conscious use of the Law of Good.

Today I have faith in the Law of Good(God). Today I guard my thinking, consciously endeavoring to think affirmatively and with faith. I believe that the Law of the Lord will bring every Good and Perfect thing to me and will bless everyone whom I hold in my conscious mind reality. Knowing that the Law of Good(God) operates through my word, I speak this word with implicit confidence, with complete acceptance, and with absolute abandonment to good.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Be a simple man, be a man who loves and understands....--Lynyrd Skynyrd

As all scriptures tell us, true understanding comes from a spiritual perception of the Divine Unity back of all things. Knowledge is of the intellect; wisdom and understanding are of the heart. Those who have had true spiritual understanding have always taught us of the unity of good, that we are one in essence with the Spirit of God. All that is real is the Reality of God, nothing else exist.

Today I permit my spiritual understanding to penetrate everything that seems opposed to good. I perceive the One Cause, the One Presence, and the One Purpose. Today I consciously align myself with this Divine Presence that runs through me and everything. I open the gates of my consciousness and with enthusiasm, through recognition and acknowledgement, permit God's Spirit of Wholeness and the Spirit of Oneness, to flow through me and abide in my conscious mind. I know there is One God, one Spiritual Self, one perfect Law, and one eternal Life that I live.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The True Temple

Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you?--1 Corinthians 6:19

Emerson said that "God builds His temple in the heart," and Seneca said that "God is to be consecrated in the breast of each." St. Augustine said that "the pure mind is a holy temple for God." To realize that God is in us, with us, and for us, is the first step toward understanding that we are the temple of the Holy Ghost. It is the realization of this Spirit at the center of everything that enables us to see God in everything and everyone.

I believe that the conscious mind is the temple of the Christ Mind and we must control the conscious mind so that it functions through it allowing the Spirit of God to control the intellect. Because of this there is a divine patern of perfection at the center of my being. I will no longer think of my physical body as being separated from this Spiritual Presence which is God. The Presence is the Cause, the body is the effect, and the two are one.

Today I could ask for anything, believing it has been made manifest in my life and I indeed receive. I ask this day that only love, joy, peace, happiness, passion for loving everyone and everything, good health, wealth and prosperity, wisdom, right thinking and guidance be made manifest in my life. It is done.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mind of Christ

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.--Philippians 2:5

This scriptural passage means that we should recognize the Divine Incarnation, universal in essence, but individualized in personal experience. The spiritual genius of Jesus enabled him to see that each is a unique representation, an individualized expression of One Mind. The Mind of God in us is the Mind of Christ. At the center of every man's being the Eternal Christ waits, knocking at the door of his intellect for admission. This is not a faraway Presence, nor a future advent. The consciousness that walked over the troubled waters of human experience, the inner calm that stilled the tempest, is accessible to everyone.

I know that the Christ in me is always triumphant. I know that Christ in me is one with God; there is no separation, no isolation, no aloneness, no fear or doubt, no lack or limitation.

Today I expect and receive great experiences that are Good and Perfect. Today I expect Good and Perfect love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity, wisdom, guidance and clear thinking.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Prayers of Affirmation

What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.--Mark 11:24

How simply Jesus tells us that whatever we need we shall receive, if we believe that we have it! Why is it so hard, then, for us to believe that the divine gift is forever made? Prayer is a sincere desire of the mind and intellect to enter into conscious union with the Divine Presence and to receive direct from It every good thing that makes life worthwhile.

My prayer today is one of affirmation. I accept the Divine beneficence and the eternal giving of the Spirit. Today I lift high my cup of acceptance, knowing that the universal Horn of Plenty fills it to overflowing. This shall include everything I need, whether it be health, happiness, or wisdom. Today my mind is open and my consciousness receives the Kingdom into itself.

Today is a Good and Perfect day! Only Good and Perfect love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity are made manifest in my life this day and every day. I give thanks for this Truth.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions....For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.--Isaiah 44:22

I refuse to carry the negations of yesterday into today. I forgive and I am forgiven. I love and I am loved. Whatever the mistakes of yesterday may have been, today is a new creation. Today I loose all condemnation. I judge not, and I am judged only by the Law of Good(God). There is no animosity, no criticism, no hatred. I shall behold the face of love, of beauty, and of peace in everyone I meet this day. I know that every right motive has the blessing of the Spirit of God that is in me, for me and all around me. There is nothing that opposes this blessing or denies this Divine gift.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Infinite Mind

The Bible speaks of the House of Bondage and the House of Freedom. Symbolically, it tells us that we must come "out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage," that we must be led by the Divine Spirit of God into that true home, which is heaven. Jesus said that "in my Father's house are many mansions." House is often a symbol of the physical body and I believe Jesus speaks of "that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." House is a symbol of any of the "vehicles, bodies, or habitations of the soul."

Today I permit my mental house to come into peace. Jesus also said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) But to be at peace I must first be set free and the truth that sets us free is our realization and acceptance that we are one with God. The truth that Jesus proclaimed would make us free lies only in the conscious communion of the soul with its Source, the conscious union of each individual with God, the conscious union of the heart's desire with the Source of its Being.

Today I know that this truth makes me free from fear, doubt, and uncertainty. From this truth flows peace, love, joy, happiness and passion for loving into my life, my reality. By accepting this truth, I affirm that there is One Infinite Mind, which is consciously directing my destiny.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Have we not all one Father? Hath not one God created us?--Malachi 2:10

Arthur Compton, in The Freedom of Man, tells us that science has discovered nothing that contradicts the idea of a Universal Mind, or Spirit(God), of which all people are offspring or emanations. It would be impossible to converse with each other unless there were a common medium or, as Emerson said, "one mind common to all people." It is impossible to depart from this Divine Presence, to be separated from this heavenly Father, which is the Parent Mind. Since God is everywhere, wherever we are, God is.