Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eternal Progress

Today I embrace fully the Presence of God(Spirit) within me, and It blesses me and everyone I meet, heals everything It touches, brings gladness into the life of everyone I contact. I recognize all sources as Divine and from God.

I am at the center in the Consciousness of God. I am an individual action being moved by the Action of God. I am eternal. Therefore, I do not have to wait for immortality. The resurrection of life is today. Jesus demonstrated that I am birthless, deathless, changeless and eternal. Living today as though I were an immortal being, I allow all thought of death, all fear of change to slip from me. I step out of the tomb of uncertainty and into the light of eternal day. Joyfully I am resurrected into that which is beautiful, enduring, and true. Silently I pass from less to more, from isolation into inclusion, from separation into oneness.

Today, realizing that there is nothing in my past that can rise against me, nothing in my future that can menace the unfoldment of my experience, I declare that life will be an eternal adventure of greater and better experiences. I revel in the contemplation of the immeasurable future, the path of eternal progress and the immortality of my own being.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Soul At Peace

Today and everyday when a problem confronts me, I take it into the silence of my consciousness and instead of thinking of the problem, I think of the answer. The Divine Presence of God guides me, guards me, and protects me. It counsels me with wisdom. It sustains and upholds me in everything I do. I believe and affirm the Universal Law that comes from the Mind of God and by my faith and belief causes the Law to bring into my experience those things that I may not understand but I accept.

I know that today I am free and unhindered. I feel the operation of Divine Love and Universal Law in my affairs. I know that everything I do today is governed by Love and controlled through this Law. I am most conscious that I am one with all people. In true Reality, there is no race or gender, only Spirit.

In complete reliance upon this Divine Spirit and with absolute faith in the goodness of God, I lay aside everything within me that contradicts the Divine and know that today peace, love, joy, good health, fulfillment, wealth and prosperity are mine. Today my soul is at peace, immortal and rejoicing in the eternal movement of Mind, of Spirit, and of God in all my affairs.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Goodness of God

I know that there is no influence, either visible or invisible, other than the influence of pure Spirit(God), acting and animating perfectly upon myself and all people. I know that there is no presence but Love(God), and no power but the Creative Spirit, which has neither enemy nor opposite. Goodness, joy, and peace abide with me today.

Today I believe that every affirmation I make will immediately take effect in my life. I fill every statement with joy; therefore, I expect joyful happenings. I fill every statement with love; therefore, I anticipate love in all relationships. I fill every statement with kindness, with tolerance, and with divine understanding; therefore, I expect all of my relationships to be harmonious.

I believe with a deep, inward calm that my word of faith is the execution of spiritual Law in my life. I know that my word penetrates any and every unbelief in my thought; it casts out fear, removes doubts, and permits that which is enduring, perfect, and true to enter into my consciousness and into my reality.

Today I proclaim my divine inheritance. I am rich with the richness of God. I am strong with the power of God. I am guided by the wisdom of God. I am held in the goodness of God, today.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Endless Unfoldment

A universal and infinite Intelligence(God) governs everything, holds everything in its place, and directs the course of everything. The Intelligence that governs the planets in their courses is the same Intelligence that is manifesting in me.

I choose to be governed by the Wisdom of God in everything I think, say, or do today. Since there is nothing large or small to the Infinite, there is nothing in my experience beyond Its action. Today I affirm the presence of this Wisdom, accepting and acknowledging Its action in my every endeavor. I permit It to guide me in every circumstance. Today I free myself from all past mistakes and know that I shall receive full compensation for every right thought.

God directs my path. There is no uncertainty or confusion. The Divine Spirit of God in me always knows what to do and how to do it, so I am never without guidance in the successful achievement of my good desires. My every thought, act, and purpose is guided by this Wisdom. I expect new and wonderful experiences to come to me today and everyday. I live my life in complete confidence that I am on the pathway of endless unfoldment, walking in the Light of infinite Wisdom.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Spirit Is Free

I rejoice that my spirit is free. Every past sense of limitation melts away and every good I have experienced is increased. Every joy that has come into my life is multiplied and there is a new influx of inspiration into my thoughts today. I see more clearly than ever that my Divine birthright, made in the Spiritual image of God, is freedom, joy and abundant good.

I know that God's Spirit is not limited in any way, so neither am I. Today I let go of all restricting ideas. Knowing that Life gives according to my faith, I lift my thought and elevate my faith this day. I accept the Divine Presence as now bountifully expressing peace and harmony in my life. Spirit will never fail me if I never fail to believe in Its goodness and Its responsiveness to my heart's desire. I believe God is for me and within me, therefore nothing can be against me. Today I will cease merely to exist; I will live free.

In the awareness that God indwells my life, that God is my life, I know that my spirit is released from all lack and limitation. Good and Perfect things like love, joy, peace, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity are made manifest in my life this day and everyday. Today I rejoice and give thanks that my spirit is forever free.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Richness of God

I am always receptive to the gift of abundance that God has already made. Today I accept the gift of God' s abundance. Everything that I am and that I have is increased by it. I identify everything I do with success. I think affirmatively and in all my prayers I accept abundance. Whatever I need, whenever I need it, whereever I need it, for as long as I need it, will always be at hand. I no longer see negation or delay or stagnation in my endeavors. The action of God's living Spirit in me makes everything I do prosper, increases every good I possess, and brings success to me and everyone I meet.

Today I have a higher realization of the richness that is God.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kingdom of Good

I refuse to worry about anything today. I have complete confidence that the God who is always with me is able and willing to direct everything I do, to control all my affairs, to lead me into the pathway of peace and happiness.

Today, I release every sense of condemnation, either against myself or others. I refuse to accept any thoughts of animosity. I now understand that there is a Principle(Law) and a Presence in every person gradually drawing that person into the Kingdom of Good(God). As Jesus stated, I also believe that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and I am resolved to enter it, to possess it, and to let it possess me.

I know that the Life in me has energy that is inexhaustible and whose intelligence is without limit. It is Life(God) Itself. I know that I am not limited by anything that has happened or by anything that is now happening. Today as I enter into an entirely new set of conditions and circumstances, I know that which has no limit is flowing through my consciousness into action.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Secret Of Life

Since all things are possible to God, then all things are possible for me, which is also my true nature. I believe I have discovered the secret of life. I know that I have an inner spiritual reality that gives power to everything I do. I accept that this Divine Power is with me at all times, through eternity. Since this Power cannot fail, I will not fail. Since this Divine Presence cannot be divided or made unwhole, then my knowledge of my union with this Presence makes me whole. Since this Supreme Universal Intelligence cannot lack knowledge or wisdom, I know that I am divinely guided. Since the Eternal Mind of God, which dwells within me, is forever at peace, I know that I am led onto pathways of peace and great joy. Since God is all there is, I know that I dwell in intimate union with the only Presence and the only Power that exist. This is the Secret of Life.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

God Loves

I attended my son's wedding this past weekend on Long Island and the priest, Father Bob, made some very profound and unexpected comments during the ceremony. He said that God loves us through the people and things we attract into our lives. For example, he told my son that God is loving him through Amanda, his new wife, and God is loving Amanda by bringing Tyler into her life. He stated that this is not the result of fate which I thought was interesting. He also stated that God is closer than our own breath which I thought was excellent and very metaphysical coming from the traditional Catholic perspective. It was a beautiful ceremony and I felt very blessed to be a part of this Good and Perfect event in my family's life. I have never seen Tyler more happy and at peace. All our lives are made whole when we accept and receive the Gifts of God's Love.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

One Source

"I will not leave thee nor forsake thee." Our divine nature never deserts us. Like the prodigal son, we may wander into far countries of despair, but God's Spirit within us ever gently urges us back to the center of our true being, to the one Source; It ever reminds us of God's presence.

Today, I acknowledge and affirm this True Self, the only True Reality, knowing that God will instantly supply me with whatsoever things I need. Today I consciously open my eyes to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within me. I affirm the indwelling Christ, that part of me that is perfect in God, that immortal Self that is birthless, deathless, and changeless. I live today, I move, and have my being in this Divine Reality.

"In God there is life; in God there is peace; in God there is wholeness." There is no need for sorrow, no need for fear or regret. In the Life of God where I live and exist there is no anxiety or despair, no fear or doubt, no lack or limitation. I affirm the wholeness of God and I am made whole. Today, I keep my vision and my thoughts on my belief that there is One God, One Power, One Presence, and One Reality from which I can never be separated from. I am one with God and I acknowledge and affirm the source of my true self and reality in God.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Heart's Desire

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.—Psalm 37:4

When the dawn breaks and the shadows flee, when the hills are touched with the rosy glow of the sun’s first rays, I wake to the thought that I am one with all life. I lift mine eyes to the Eastern sky and sing with the joy of one who beholds the Eternal Presence in everything.—Ernest Holmes

I know that there is a Divine Pilot steering my boat safely to a harbor of peace, to an environment of happiness, and to a haven of good. Therefore, I am not afraid, even when the billows roll and the wind sweeps by, for there is a Divine hand guiding my ship; there is an invisible Presence at the wheel. I lift the sails of faith and let the winds of love fill them with the mighty power of the Divine Presence. My boat rides upon a sea of Pure Spirit and finds safe anchorage everywhere, always.—Ernest Holmes

Today and every day, I permit my mind to become saturated with the Divine Ideal of God. In everything I do this day I will have a greater sense of this Divine Presence, sustaining, upholding, and guiding me. My joy, my happiness, my peace is increased as I rejoice in my unity with God, my creator and Life.

I am guided by Divine Intelligence, which goes before me and makes Good and Perfect my way. I am given freedom to rise above fear, impoverishment, and limitation. Today I exercise dominion over my environment, over every circumstance and condition that I contact. The joy of Life flows into my thought and work. Peace and harmony attend everything I do. Love and protection are ever present. Today I know that every worthy desire of my heart is fulfilled.